
The Genii computer is a type of computer made by the Genii.


Tyrus and his daughter Sora were able to gain information about a hive ship from a Wraith data storage device to a Genii computer through an Interface device. They showed this to AR-1 in 2004. (SGA: "Underground")

Genii computer

In 2005, Ford's Coalition had Genii computers which they used to study the Wraith and had used some of the computers with a Wraith data storage device to figure out the exact flight path of a hive ship. (SGA: "The Lost Boys")

Aiden Ford's Coalition powered the computers with a stolen Telnorran generator. They also had some Pilation solar cells but Jace hadn't figured out how to interface them. (SGA: "The Lost Boys")

Behind the scenes[]

The Genii computer is actually a Philco Predicta television set.

Links and navigation[]

v  e
Genii AthorCowenCradenFaberFortnumGenii Commander (The Brotherhood)Genii Private (The Storm)HaemonHeironIdosKanayoAcastus KolyaLankoArgan LociCassel MassanMikliesDavon MinosPranosPrenumDahlia RadimLadon RadimTassTathalToranTyrusSora TyrusVarelon
Genii outposts Genii homeworldGenii outpostGenii outpost 17Kolya's planetM1K-177M5V-801M6R-867SorthTaadinWorld (Common Ground)
Genii technology Genii A-bombGenii Army uniformGenii communicatorGenii computerGenii explosiveGenii knifeGenii pistolGenii revolverGenii semi-automatic machine gunGenii shotgunGenii taser rodInterface deviceSora Tyrus' knife
Terms Elite GuardGenii Confederation