
Fire locust are a type of creature native to the planet Abzu.


Phoenix-1 accidently disturbed a nest of Fire locust while exploring a complex on Abzu. The insects are very fast and no amount of Ma'Tok staff blasts would stop the flow of them, so they had to abandon their exploration plans. The locusts gave up pursuit in the outside environment.

At the entrance or exit of the complex the team had explored, there is a Sumerian gate which depicted a lone figure wandering a fiery land and suffering horrible deaths, one of which included being devoured by the fire locusts.

When a UAV was sent to Abzu, they saw a large colony of fire locusts flying in a triple spiral pattern around Enki. (RPG: "Core Rulebook")

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Alien Bugs Alien tickDust bugFire locustGiant DragonflyGiant spiderInfestation flyInsect killerInterdimensional creatureIratus bugLight bugMutated locustR-75Sleep parasiteSmall energy beingTeardrop fly
Earth Bugs BeeLocustMealwormMosquitoScorpionSpiderTick