
This episode is part 1 of 2; it is followed by "Evolution, Part 2".

"Evolution, Part 1" is the eleventh episode of the seventh season of Stargate SG-1.


Anubis has created an army of invulnerable killing machines called Kull warriors to do his work and wipe out the rival Goa'uld. They have armor that impervious to all known weapons. The only way to stop them is for Dr. Daniel Jackson to go to a hidden temple in Honduras that is the origin of the "fountain of youth" myth.


Plasma repeater

First appearance of a Kull Warrior of Anubis.

On an unnamed planet, Teal'c and Bra'tac visit a place where many dead Jaffa lie. They find a dead Goa'uld named Tilgath who wanted to forge an alliance with Ramius, whom they think betrayed Tilgath. They find Ramius' First Prime who tells them that they were attacked by a warrior, who then appears and kills the First Prime. Teal'c and Bra'tac fire on him with their staff weapons, but to no avail. The warrior then attacks with some sort of energy weapon on his arm but is finally killed by Teal'c with a Zat'nik'tel. The warrior is then brought to Stargate Command where the two Jaffa inform SG-1 and Major General George S. Hammond.

Together with Jacob Carter, Major Samantha Carter examines the warrior, and together they discover that he is a genetic creation, brought to life by a Goa'uld symbiote. They also find out that the warrior died because of a heart attack and not because of the Zat. Later it is discovered the warrior was apparently not alive when he was created and Selmak tells them how the Sarcophagus was created by a Goa'uld named Telchak (who used a device of the Ancients) since he thinks the warrior was created by the same technology used to create the sarcophagi. The original device had a lot of negative side effects, even killing humans. The Goa'uld Sarcophagus was an improvement, but still repeated use tends to turn humans evil. Selmak says if they can find the original device perhaps the Tokra can create a weapon against the new warrior--and perhaps in time develop a sarcophagus that will heal without corrupting the personality.

Dr. Daniel Jackson remembers some research his grandfather Dr. Nicholas Ballard did about the Fountain of Youth and they surmise Anubis created the warriors by recreating the original Ancient device using knowledge he obtained while ascended. General Hammond then gives Daniel permission to search for Telchak's original Ancient device. So Daniel travels with Dr. Bill Lee to Honduras, where, according to Ballard's researches, Telchak's temple should lie. They are accompanied by a guide named Rogelio Duran.

Ramius' homeworld

Ramius homeworld.

Kull 6

Kull armor absorbing Staff blasts and heavy Tau'ri projectile fire.

At the SGC, the others plan to capture one of the "super soldiers" alive by stunning him with a small dart that should penetrate his armor. SG-1, some SG teams, and several Rebel Jaffa go to Ramius' homeworld since they think that a warrior will appear there. When the warrior arrives, he withstands all their weapons, kills some Jaffa, and finally escapes, while the others are captured by Ramius' Jaffa and imprisoned. They are confronted by the Goa'uld, but he doesn't believe their story about the warrior. Teal'c and Bra'tac tell the guards that Ramius is a false god and the warrior will kill him, but the guard's leader says Ramius is invincible. Suddenly they hear the warrior attack and the guarding Jaffa run to their master. It turns out that Ramius was killed trying to escape (leaving his Jaffa behind to die as Bra'tac predicted he would) and so the Jaffa guard leader releases them and lets the prisoners go, and at the invitation of O'Neill even joins them. SG-1 is then able to capture the warrior by ringing him up to a Tel'tak Cargo Bay and then expelling the oxygen, knocking him out.

In Honduras the three go into the jungle in search of the temple and finally find a hidden entrance to it, which Daniel and Lee enter. At a dead end Jackson remembers the phrase "All water flows to the healing device." He pours water on the floor and it runs to a crack between the tiles, where they hear the dripping sound echoing below. Prying a stone block up, they find the Ancient healing device but when they remove it from its location they activate a trap and the temple is flooded with jets of water bursting through the temple walls. The two are barely able to swim up to the entrance, but when they leave the temple they are confronted by guerrillas, who capture them and shoot the guide when he tries to flee. At the guerrilla camp, the guerrilla leader Rafael then threatens them with death unless a ransom is paid. Jackson and Lee are interrogated but refuse to talk, so the leader says he will torture them, and maybe even kill one, even if he gets nothing for them, just to make an example of them as a warning to others.

Memory recall device 1

The memory recall device projecting the memory of the stars above Tartarus.

At SGC attempts are made to interrogate the prisoner, but he reveals only that he serves Anubis. However, thanks to a Tok'ra Memory recall device it is discovered that the warrior was created on a planet named Tartarus, when he envisions the night sky above his planet, enabling them to work out its location. Suddenly, Hammond enters the room and explains that Jackson and Lee were kidnapped and may have crossed the border into Nicaragua, but they have no idea where he is, much to the shock of the others.



Appearances for Evolution, Part 1




Weapons, equipment and technology

Science and biology


Sentient Species



Organizations and titles


Notable quotes[]

Jackson: Let's spread out, look for a... temple. In lieu of that look for a totem or a marker of some kind. Anything that might tell us where to go from here. (They just stare at him) Go.
Lee: (Suddenly dropping out of sight) Found it.

O'Neill: Reynolds, I want flanking positions set up on either side of the clearing. Ring the perimeter with C4 and claymores.
Reynolds: Not much faith in Plan A?
O'Neill: Since when has Plan A ever worked?
Reynolds: Right.

Ramius: Jaffa!!
O'Neill: I'll handle this. (to Ramius) Greetings!! (attempts the Vulcan salute, but fails) Well, uh... I know how this looks, so I think it's important we clear up any misunderstanding right away. We did not come to kill you. (Ramius sneers) Honest. (to everyone else in the cell) Am I right? (they all nod in agreement, back to Ramius) The fact is, and this is the fun part, we actually came to save your ass... ses. All your asses. Do ya see the irony? (Ramius sneers) All right. There's this guy out there. Big guy. Big guy in a black suit. None too fond of you Goa'ulds. (Ramius sneers) Well anyway, he's the one we're after, not you. So if you wanna let us go, we'll be on our way, to save the world another day, you're not buying this are you?
Ramius: Jaffa... kree!! (walks away)
Carter: Well... that went well.
O'Neill: That went well.

Carter: You're worried that the super-soldier will kill Ramius and then slaughter the rest of us?
O'Neill: 'Super-soldier'?
Carter: No?
O'Neill: It has a ring.

Lee: At least it has writing on it.
Jackson: Yeah.
Lee: What's it say?
Jackson: I have no idea.
Lee: Oh.
Jackson: The sort of technology of the sarcophagus—which, by itself causes madness and addiction. This is supposedly something far more powerful. So accidentally activating it would be bad.
Lee: Okay.
Jackson: Let's just try picking it up without touching it too much.

Hammond: I'm afraid I have some bad news. I just received a communique from the State Department in Washington. It appears that Daniel Jackson and Dr. Lee have been kidnapped. Our best guess is that they've crossed the border into Nicaragua, however at this moment we have no idea where they are.


Main Characters

Guest Stars


  • The Kull's home planet is identified as Tartarus. In ancient Egyptian mythology, Anubis was identified as the god of the dead and of embalming; his Greek counterpart was Hades, below whose realm was Tartarus, the place in which the Titans were imprisoned and which was the place of ultimate suffering of the damned.
  • The scenes at the rebel camp in Nicaragua were shot at the Mid-Valley Viewpoint of the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve.


  • When the Kull is walking into the ambush, Teal'c is using an M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (actually a mocked-up Daewoo K3). The ammunition in the belt feeding into the weapon is rather obviously rosette-crimped blank cartridges, although after the ambush begins, closeups show more realistic-looking rounds, probably inert.

Other languages[]

  • French: La Fontaine De Jouvence (1ère partie) (The Fountain of Youth (part 1))
  • Italian: Evoluzione (Parte 1) (Evolution (part 1))
  • Spanish: Evolución (Parte 1) (Evolution (part 1))
  • Czech: Evoluce (1. část) (Evolution (part 1))
  • German: Evolution, Teil 1 (Evolution, Part 1)
  • Hungarian: Evolúció (1. rész) (Evolution (part 1))
  • Japanese: 命の泉 Inochi no Izumi (The Spring of Life)

Links and navigation[]

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Season 2 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Season 3 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Season 4 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Season 5 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Season 6 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Season 7 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Season 8 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 9 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 10 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 1 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 2 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 3 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 4 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 5 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 1 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 2 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 1 12345678910