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The title of this article is conjectural. While the information presented in this article is canonical, the article subject lacks an official name, thus the title is a conjecture.

"It was his vision. My father saw that breeders were spreading across the face of Euronda like a plague, millions of them! We don't know how so many of them manage to survive but they do in spite of our best efforts."

The Eurondan-Breeder War (????-2000) was a conflict fought between the Eurondans and the Breeders.


"They did it. They started the war. I don't know how they did it but they did."
Daniel Jackson[src]
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The war started a few decades ago by the Eurondans who wanted to eradicate the Breeders because they cultivated without any concern for genetic purity. The Eurondans released their first bombs on the Breeder nation to try to eradicate them.[3]

Long before the war started, the Eurondans built an underground base. The war started after a man thought the Breeders spread like a plague on Euronda.[3]



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