
This individual has no known canonical name.  While the information presented is canonical, the individual described lacks an official name, thus the title is conjecture.

Eli Wallace's son was a male Human from the planet Novus.


Background information[]

He was the son of Eli Wallace and Cpl. Barnes. He was born some years after the first settlement was completed on Novus. Eli wished that his mother Marian Wallace could meet his son. He himself had a son named Matthew Wallace, who would rename a school after his grandfather, Eli Wallace. (SGU: "Common Descent", "Epilogue")


Family tree[]

        [Eli's grandfather]--+--[Unknown female]
             [Eli's father]--+--[Marian]
                             [Eli's son]--+--[Unknown female]
                                      [Matthew]--+--[Unknown female]
                                                 + (Many generations.)

Site Navigation[]

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Individuals AbigaleBettyDale GreerEllieJasonKebLandonMorganRoyAlan Scott's childAlan ScottClaire ScottEli Wallace's sonMatthew WallaceYaozuYaozu's fatherSara YoungSteven Young
Planets NovusNovus colony (Common Descent)Novus colony (Blockade)Novus colony (Epilogue)
Technology Novus CO2 scrubber substanceEvacuation shipNovus fallout bunkerNovus computerNovus elevatorNovus radioTenaran archiveTenaran databank
Terms KontinuumNovus constitutionNovus EnglishNovus expeditionTerminus Tymes