
"Dominion" is the nineteenth episode of the tenth season of Stargate SG-1.


Adria is revealed to have survived the Sangraal and returns to the Milky Way. SG-1 use a cunning plan to capture her. However, their plan is thwarted when Ba'al gets her soon after, where he plans to make her relinquish some of her armies to his control.

Previously on Stargate SG-1[]

Vala Mal Doran is kidnapped by Athena and The Trust in order to access her memories to find the location of the Clava Thessara Infinitas, a storehouse of Ancient treasure. Dr. Daniel Jackson is turned into a Prior by Adria but betrays her and helps SG-1 get aboard an Ori warship. After using the Prior disruptor on Adria, Jackson uses his powers to knock her out and fly the ship, with an active Sangraal on board, through the Supergate to the Alteran Home Galaxy.


Because Adria is able to sense deception within others, Vala Mal Doran has hatched a plan: SG-1 implants false memories into Vala with the Galaran memory device, detailing her escaping from Stargate Command, as they had turned against her. Because Vala believes that these memories are entirely real, Adria does not realize that it is part of a deception. When Vala leads her in search of the Clava Thessara Infinitas, and take her to the planet SG-1 ambushes them with Prior disruptors to stop Adria from using her powers. However, Ba'al's Jaffa beam in and kidnap Adria.

Ba'al reveals that he is going to take control of her armies by implanting her with a symbiote. SG-1 rescues her (killing a Ba'al clone), but realize that the symbiote, Ba'al, has already taken Adria as a host and controls her. He attempts to buy time to overcome the Prior disruptor, offering the information that the Ori are truly dead. When SG-1 informs him that they plan to swap him with a Tok'ra symbiote, he tells them it would not be strong enough to suppress Adria's personality. He also threatens to kill her instead of allowing them to succeed.

Ta'seem's Medical Assistants

The Tok'ra arrive on board the Odyssey.

When the Tok'ra arrive, they say that the procedure will be very dangerous for Adria, but they agree to try. Vala tells Daniel that she is OK if Adria dies, since at least the Ori army will be deprived of a leader, but it is clear she is very upset.

The Tok'ra surgical team begins to try to remove Ba'al. He releases symbiote toxin into Adria's bloodstream, leaving her on her deathbed, too weak to be blended with the Tok'ra symbiote. The Tok'ra surgeon explains to SG1 that when Adria does wake up she will be in terrible pain and die soon after. They decide that the most human thing will be to kill her with a larger toxin dose while she is still unconscious, but she wakes up and throws Dr. Daniel Jackson and the guards across the room. She tells Vala that she cannot allow them to kill her.

Knowing that "this body" is dying, Adria seals herself in the infirmary with Vala. Using her Ori telekinetic powers to hold the doors closed, she begins preparations for ascension. Vala and Adria talk, and Adria says this wasn't her plan, but she will be able to accomplish even more after she ascends and becomes a full Ori. Vala asks her to show compassion and stop killing innocents, but Adria says she will leave the human parts of her behind.

Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell and Teal'c attempt to cut their way in, but are distracted when Adria releases toxic coolant into the corridor where Daniel is trapped. Daniel cries out and Vala tries to open the door with a crowbar, but cannot. Vala begs Adria not to kill Daniel, but Adria ignores her.

Vala grabs one of the guards' guns from the floor and attempts to shoot Adria, but is lifted into the air by Adria's telekinetic powers, allowing Adria to complete the ascension process uninterrupted.

Carter manages to cut off the coolant to the corridor. Adria says goodbye to her mother, then ascends, releasing Vala as the other team members rush through the now-open doors.

SG-1 is left speculating whether the Ori are dead as Ba'al said, thereby leaving all their former power to Adria, or whether Adria has joined them in their crusade. Carter suggests that regardless, Adria may be able to return in some form. Mitchell also says that he found another Ba'al clone on the ship--it's possible that the symbiote in Adria was just another clone and the original Ba'al is still out there as well.

Vala says that, whether or not Ba'al and the Ori are still alive, they have dealt a heavy blow to the invading armies by depriving them of their leader.


Appearances for Dominion





Sentient Species




Notable quotes[]

Vala: I thought this was an honest establishment.
Gambler: It is. And that's why it's necessary to have you searched. (chips fall out of her sleeves)
Vala: I don't suppose we could call this even?

Mitchell: (to Adria) You didn't really think we'd invite you to a party and not disable your funky power, did you?

Vala: Hello Gorgeous! If you're watching this you're obviously back at Stargate Command. And you're probably thinking everyone around you has gone completely wonko. With the exception of Daniel who, let's face it, was always a little bit—
Jackson: (off screen) Vala!
Vala: Sorry. Um, seriously, though, substituting our memories was my idea. Brilliant, I know and incredibly brave! But it was the only way for the plan to work. So, if you are watching this, you have obviously made it back. And let me be the first to say, "well done," and enjoy the substantial pay rise that's been promised to you if the mission succeeds.
Jackson: (off screen) Okay, that's enough. Thank you. Thanks, I got it. Good.
Carter: We heard that Adria had returned through the Supergate. Now, if the Ori are dead, we thought we might be able to convince her to leave quietly with her army.
Jackson: We knew that she'd be able to tell if you were lying to her, so as far as you were concerned, it wasn't a lie.
Vala: I escaped using a Sodan Cloak. You allowed me to be exposed to radiation so that you could carry out your plan!
Carter: Uh, your plan, and, no, that was also part of the false memory. We escorted you to the planet where Adria found you, and we dropped you off.
Jackson: You slept through it like a baby.
Vala: So.... No IOA? No Reynolds’ men? No television program about dancing with supposed celebrities?
Jackson: Actually that part was real.
Vala: How very disturbing.
Carter: Yeah.
Jackson: Mm hm.

Ba'al: Comfy?
Adria: You made a terrible mistake. Release me now, and I will be merciful.
Ba'al: You're so much more pleasant when you lack the ability to snap my neck with your thoughts.
Adria: You're a fool! Dealing with powers way beyond your means! When my army catches up to you—
Ba'al: Don't waste your breath! Your army has no idea where you are, and it'll be days before they even begin to question your disappearance. Even then, all their queries will lead them…to the Tau'ri.
Adria: If you intend to kill me, you should know the Ori will not halt their attacks on this galaxy.
Ba'al: I have no intention of killing you. As a matter of fact, my whole plan hinges on your being very much alive.
Adria: So you can ransom me for your freedom.
(She steps close to the bars, in front of him.)
Ba'al: Far from it. You can offer me something far more valuable. Control… of your army.
Adria: (chucking and smiling) They'll never listen to you.
Ba'al: No. But they do listen to you.
Adria: There's nothing you can do to make me bend my army to your will.
(He leans in very close to her.)
Ba'al: (in Goa'uld voice) Well, I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Mitchell: (to Ba'al) Right now you're like a Pinto engine in a '71 Mustang, so we're swapping you out for a big block Tok'ra.

Landry: Ba'al is in Adria?
Mitchell: Yes, sir. It's the bad guy equivalent of cordon bleu.


Main Characters

Guest Stars


Dominion 1

Vala steals a Sodan cloaking device

  • In the teaser, when the first bar patron points a gun at her back, it is Det. Spooner's sidearm from I, Robot
  • The scene where Vala sees the video of herself explaining the fake memories that were implanted is a clear reference to the movie Total Recall.
  • The technique to implant false memory to avoid being discovered is a reminiscent of the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "A Simple Investigation": in both episodes, a character volunteers to infiltrate an enemy organization and in both occasions her memories are modified to avoid her being discovered by telepathic probes.
  • Ta'Seem seems to show mild contempt for Vala having known her as Qetesh, which is unusual for a Tok'ra as they're usually sympathetic to the host and distinguish between host and symbiote.
  • There are a total of 13 dead Ba'als in the tent, bringing the total still alive to 3, as 16 were beamed out from Stargate Command during the events of "Insiders".


  • When SG-1 encounters the dead group of meeting Ba'al clones several supposedly dead Jaffa can be seen moving in the background.
  • The wires coming out of Adria's shirt disappear and reappear throughout the final confrontation.
  • For the second episode in a row, the SG-1 and Earth symbol patches on Vala's uniform are on the wrong sides, mainly in the scenes of her in the SGC briefing room, including the video she filmed for herself.
  • Just after Dr. Daniel Jackson fires a Staff weapon to free Adria from the cell (time index 25:16) you can see Carter in the background discharging her weapon, but in the very next scene with the camera in front of her, she is clearly holding her gun in the ready position and peering around the corner looking for Jaffa guards (time index 25:18).
  • The way the Prior disruptor device works changes in this episode. Previously, the device used subsonic sound waves to disable the advanced part of the Prior's (or Adria's) mind. In this episode the energy is referred to as EM or electromagnetic energy.
  • The Tok'ra doctor Ta'Seem is assisted in the surgery by Carter instead of the medical officer of the Odyssey.
  • When first captured by Ba'al, Adria's wearing a long jacket/duster, but on the next scene this clothing piece is nowhere to be seen.

Other languages[]

  • French: La Symbiose Du Mal (The Evil Symbiosis)
  • Italian: Dominio (Dominion)
  • Spanish: Dominio (Dominion)
  • Czech: Panství (Dominion)
  • Hungarian: Uralom (Dominion)
  • German: Ba'al's Letztes Gefecht (Ba'al's Last Stand)
  • Japanese: 果て無き野心 Hatenaki Yashin (Boundless Ambition)

Links and navigation[]

Smallwikipedialogo This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at Dominion (Stargate SG-1). The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with SGCommand, the text of Wikipedia is available under the GNU Free Documentation License.
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