- "Dian? What...?"
"For such a brilliant man, you're really quite gullible..." - ―Dr. Daniel Jackson and Dian[src]
Dian is a treasure hunter, who was looking for Ancient treasures to bring back to her people.
Back on Dian's homeworld, she and her people amused themselves with free-form climbing. (Stargate: "Daniel Jackson 3")
At some point, she left her world and went to the Ancient Treasure planet to look for the hidden trove, so she could bring it back to her people. She found clues to the vault's location but was unable to read them due to them being written in the Ancient language. She was unable to leave the planet due to the giant Android Kotah, who guarded the stargate. Dian's friend Canno believed he could get past him, but Dian warned him it was too dangerous.
When Dr. Daniel Jackson arrived on the planet, the two witnessed Canno's death when he and Hamm tried his scheme to make it past Kotah. His death and the hopelessness of their situation made Dian upset.
Shortly after, Dian warned Daniel of Kyrana, as she blamed Canno's death on her. Afterward, she showed him the Ancient writings which led them to the underground vaults. (Stargate: "Daniel Jackson 2")
After the Jaffa joined them to reach the vaults, Dian got into a fight with Daniel about him not letting her used her free-form climbing skills to maneuver around the chasm to get to the vaults on the other side, as he was worried that she could die in the attempt. However, Hem'nok believed she could do it and convinced Daniel to let her try, which she succeeded and brought ropes over for the others so they could also cross the gap the next morning after their break. That night, Dian flirted with Daniel and brought him into her room. The next morning Dian was first to enter the vaults and found that there was nothing but dust, due to System Lord Sobek's attack bringing down the technology that was keeping the Ancient scrolls intact. After hours of searching the other vaults, they found nothing. As they left for the night, Dian spotted Kotah heading towards the vaults as Raffa had broken one of the vault's locks. After Daniel saved Raffa and Kyrana from Kotah, she was shocked he took such a big risk for them. The next day, Dian found a vault that contained some Ancient writing that contained information about Kotah's energy source in his heel. By nightfall, as Daniel translated the writtings, Dian flirted with Daniel some more. (Stargate: "Daniel Jackson 3", "Daniel Jackson 4")

Dian betrays Dr. Daniel Jackson.
The next day, after Raffa's explosives went off in the temple vaults and triggered Kotah, Daniel managed to remove Kotah's energy source. Dian then held Daniel up at gunpoint and revealed that she had used him all along so she could bring something back to her people and that Kotah's energy source would be very useful to them. She was then stunned by Vala Mal Doran's Zat'nik'tel.
After everyone began to leave the planet, Dian was allowed to return to her homeworld empty-handed as punishment. (Stargate: "Daniel Jackson 4")