
The Destiny database is the central computer database on the Ancient starship Destiny. As well as containing information about the ship itself and the technology aboard it, it also records the sensor data that the ship takes when scanning a planet. The database is also updated, via subspace link, by the Stargate seeding ship, and from this information the ship can plot it's next course. Making queries in the database can allow the ship to determine when the Destiny moves out of FTL to dial to a nearby Stargate, it locks out nearby Stargates that don't have what the crew needs based on the queries made, in the case of life support, the Stargate was dialed to a planet with calcite for the CO2 Scrubber, the other four addresses were locked out, possibly because they don't have what they need or because it has a hazard that makes extraction of the calcite dangerous.

Known information stored in the database includes:

(SGU: "Air, Part 2")
