
Captain Davon Minos is a male Genii, who is in charge of Genii outpost 17.



Minos was in charge of salvage operations on the planet Visnareth Asnivan. He encountered Colonel John Sheppard, Dr. Elizabeth Weir, and Teyla Emmagan, when they went to check out the planet to see about transporting an intelligent squid species back to the planet, as they had originated on the world. Minos wasn't convinced that the species wasn't just an animal.

After the native squid species attacked the Genii's submersible, Davon wanted Sheppard to attack the squids in the Puddle Jumper before his people got eaten. Elizabeth was against it and wanted to try talking instead. Davon pressed a sidearm against her, but in the end, Elizabeth came to a deal with the natives. Minos however was quick to try to break that deal. Convinced that they were an intelligent species after all, he had his people send out explosives to send a message to the natives to keep them away from their work. The plan, however, was thwarted by Sheppard, Stripes and William Lynn.

Afterwards, Elizabeth and Teyla convinced him to give their way a try. (SGA: "From the Depths")

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Genii AthorCowenCradenFaberFortnumGenii Commander (The Brotherhood)Genii Private (The Storm)HaemonHeironIdosKanayoAcastus KolyaLankoArgan LociCassel MassanMikliesDavon MinosPranosPrenumDahlia RadimLadon RadimTassTathalToranTyrusSora TyrusVarelon
Genii outposts Genii homeworldGenii outpostGenii outpost 17Kolya's planetM1K-177M5V-801M6R-867SorthTaadinWorld (Common Ground)
Genii technology Genii A-bombGenii Army uniformGenii communicatorGenii computerGenii explosiveGenii gasGenii harpoonGenii knifeGenii pistolGenii revolverGenii semi-automatic machine gunGenii shotgunGenii taser rodInterface deviceSora Tyrus' knife
Terms Elite GuardGenii Confederation