
Craden is a male Genii who is a subversive crewman that works at Genii outpost 17.



Craden was one of the crew of the subversive when William Lynn recorded underwater inscriptions. They were then attacked by the native intelligent squid species but the Atlantis expedition talked to the native and rescued them.

Craden agreed with Dr. Elizabeth Weir's point when Captain Davon Minos wanted to go back on the deal between them and the squids. Caden pointed out that they already had a hard time with the squids attacking and if they gave them a reason to go after them it would only make things worse and he wasn't persuaded by Minos' idea to scare the natives off. (SGA: "From the Depths")

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Genii AthorCowenCradenFaberFortnumGenii Commander (The Brotherhood)Genii Private (The Storm)HaemonHeironIdosKanayoAcastus KolyaLankoArgan LociCassel MassanMikliesDavon MinosPranosPrenumDahlia RadimLadon RadimTassTathalToranTyrusSora TyrusVarelon
Genii outposts Genii homeworldGenii outpostGenii outpost 17Kolya's planetM1K-177M5V-801M6R-867SorthTaadinWorld (Common Ground)
Genii technology Genii A-bombGenii Army uniformGenii communicatorGenii computerGenii explosiveGenii knifeGenii pistolGenii revolverGenii semi-automatic machine gunGenii shotgunGenii taser rodInterface deviceSora Tyrus' knife
Terms Elite GuardGenii Confederation