A Crèche world is a term used to describe a planet that housed the mingled offspring of various Goa'uld queens prior to their implantation in Jaffa. (RPG: "Living Gods: Stargate System Lords")
After a queen would give birth to a brood of larvae the Jaffa priesthood would perform the sacred rite of kadra'mal, a procession that would escort the cradle of symbiotes through the Chappa'ai. Once the procession would set foot on the crèche world, bells would be sounded by the priesthood to announce the birth of a new god. While the bell tolls, the kadra'mal would proceed to the crèche world's sepulchre, which contained a large incubation tank that was used by all. (RPG: "Fantastic Frontiers: Stargate Season One")
After the defeat of queen Egeria, Ra took away control of the offspring from the queens. To prevent new breeds of traitorous Goa'uld, the offspring of the queens were put in large incubators used by all. If the symbiotes shifted far from the genetic template, the others would sense this and attack the rogue larvae. (RPG: "Fantastic Frontiers: Stargate Season One")
At various times, crèche worlds have fallen under the control of individual System Lords, such as Chulak. Morrigan claimed the crèche world Eriu as her own primary homeworld. When larval symbiotes grew increasingly scarce, Morrigan was faced with the choice of relinquishing her claim or fight for it in defiance of her peers. (RPG: "Living Gods: Stargate System Lords")