
Humans undergoing the conversion process.

"Well, is it possible she's turning into a hybrid?"
"No, I don't think so. I've seen several variations of the conversion process, but never anything like this.
Dr. Rodney McKay and Dr. Carson Beckett[src]

The Conversion process was a term given to the capacity of turning ordinary Humans into Hybrids.


Using a variant of the Wraith retrovirus, normal Humans were placed in chambers where they were genetically altered. As part of this conversion, they were provided all the strengths of the Wraith but lacked their one true weakness, namely the need to feed on life energy. This resulted in the artificial creation of the Hybrid race in the Pegasus galaxy.

The subjects of the conversion process were placed in rectangular chambers where they appeared to be unconscious. Machinery was required to maintain the genetic changes. If shut down, the humans inside died as a result. (SGA: "The Kindred, Part 2")


During his time with Michael Kenmore, the clone of Dr. Carson Beckett had witnessed various stages of conversion inflicted on human beings. (SGA: "The Seed")

After the discovery of Michael's database, Dr. Jennifer Keller of the Atlantis expedition was able to reverse the changes on the Hybrids making many of them human once again. (SGA: "Search and Rescue")

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