
A Cold Fusion Reactor Core is the power source used by Dial Home Devices. (SG1: "The Fifth Race") Developed by the Ancients, these power sources are incredibly robust, being able to provide power to their respective Stargate for as long as 50 million years before becoming depleted (SG1: "Frozen"). Though they can easily provide enough power to dial an in-galaxy address, they do not supply nearly enough power to establish an intergalactic wormhole.


DHD inner workings
  • The name "Cold fusion reactor core" originates from a screenshot of the DHD schematics Col. O'Neill drew in the episode The Fifth Race. On the schematic, the final step in the process to fix the DHD, step "E", reads, in part: "Now you are ready to turn the power on again. The DHD has a cold fusion reactor core. It will take a few minutes to be fully charged".
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Power sources
Altairan power pack  · Ancient crystal power cell  · Ancient solar power collectors  · Asgard power core  · Aturen power cell  · Battery  · Cauldron  · Cold fusion  · Cold fusion reactor core  · Containment chamber room  · Eye of Apophis  · Eye of Ba'al  · Eye of Balor  · Eye of Marduk  · Eye of Osiris  · Eye of Ra  · Eye of Tiamat  · Eyes of the Goa'uld  · Fission generator  · Geothermal energy  · Hou Kaingan pearl  · Ki'ai power cell  · Atlantis lightning rods  · Liquid Naquadah  · Atlantis main power conduits  · Main power room  · Mobile drilling platform  · Naquadah cell  · Naquadah generator  · Naquadah reactor  · Naquadria  · Naquadria power cell  · Naquadria reactor core  · Neutrino-ion generator  · Nuclear fusion reactor  · Ori power generator  · Pilation solar cell  · Power Booster Device  · Power distribution center  · Project Arcturus  · Repulsor-field generator  · Section Seven  · Solar power  · Stargate power node  · Subspace capacitor  · Subterranean power grid  · Telnorran generator  · Terra-root  · Tidal power generation station  · Wind power  · Zero point energy  · Zero Point Module  · ZPM Hub  · ZPM room