Medieval planet church

A Church on the Medieval planet

"Weekends at Grandma's meant long, long Sundays at St. Hilda's Church of the Grand Epiphany."
Cameron Mitchell[src]

A church is a building or structure whose primary purpose is to facilitate the meeting of a church. People often have Marriages and Funerals in churches. The funeral of Dr. Carson Beckett took place in a church and according to Dr. Rodney McKay was packed with people. (SGA: "The Kindred, Part 2", "Sunday")

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Religions BuddhismChristianityHinduismIslamJudaismKwanzaaOriginVoodoo
Religious organizations Circle of HeavensIllac ReninSodanSoren's faction
Religious Texts BibleBook of OriginBook of the DeadBook of NefertumQuranTalmudTorah
Terms AfterlifeBelogogChristmasChurchDalai LamaDark AgesDevilEasterGodHellItzamnaMiraclePrayerPriestProstrationRabbiRing of Shen MarakTulrakTulrakian