
Chernobog was a mysterious Goa'uld System Lord. Not much was known about him, his intentions, or his appearance. His Jaffa guard, the Iron Guard, rarely spoke and had featureless metal masks.


Background information[]

In Earth mythology, Chernobog was one half of a dualistic pantheon that was once worshipped by the Slavs. His name translates to "The Black God", and he was the personification of everything evil in the world. His counterpart was Belogog, the Slavic deity of all things good.

He deactivated the Stargates on most of his worlds and travel was restricted to starships. When it came to his rule on his homeworld Yagosh, his First Prime Konietz'akar administered the day to day running of his empire. He would enter Chernobog's private chambers once a day to receive instructions.

During Anubis's campaign against the System Lords, Chernobog's domain was left untouched by him. Anubis also sent representatives that sought an audience with him, and they were allowed to return to Anubis unharmed. (RPG: "Core Rulebook")


Chernobog was seldomly the aggressor in any conflict with his neighbors, which may have been primarily due to his reputation, as he was known to be a brutal opponent, who took any transgression into his domain seriously and his retribution was swift and merciless.

On rare occasion that Chernobog had to make his presence known, he didn't appear as an ostentatious ruler but as a figure clad in simple clothing, without any finery or adornment. It was said that no one was entirely sure of his actual appearance and that he was capable of appearing as anyone he chooses. It was also said that the shadows shift and dance in his presence, the temperature would drop below freezing, and that sounds of howling animals could be heard in the distance. (RPG: "Core Rulebook")


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