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"Mother agrees. That is why the central authority of the Reetou sent us here."
A human clone[src]

The Central Authority of the Reetou is the ruling government of the insectoid Reetou, and with it capital located on the planet Reetalia.


"The Reetou are a pretty peaceful race. The Goa'uld wiped most of them out just because they were a possible threat."
Jacob Carter[src]

After the devastation of Reetalia by the Goa'uld, the Central Authority of the Reetou survived and felt that they should fight them directly. However, the Reetou Rebels opposed this action, supporting "attrition"—the devastation of all potential hosts. To counter this, one Reetou was commissioned to develop a human clone to warn the Tau'ri. The internal politics of the Reetou Central Authority beyond that are unknown. (SG1: "Show and Tell")

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Individuals Ite-khKalakekMother
Planets Reetalia
Technology Cross-phasal explosiveMultiphasic blaster
Terms Central Authority of the ReetouReetou languageReetou Rebel