Canno was an individual that was killed by Kotah on the Ancient Treasure planet.
He and the other treasure hunters and inhabitants on the Ancient planet were stranded, due to the giant Android Kotah, who guarded the Stargate and would kill any who attempted to leave.
Nevertheless, Canno believed that he could get through the gate as long as Kotah concentrated on the person who used the DHD. Dian told him that it was too dangerous but Canno tried anyway.
While Hamm dialled the DHD and stayed near it, Canno ran towards the stargate, however, Kotah saw him before he made it through and killed him by stabbing him with his large sword.
Shortly after his death, Dian told Dr. Daniel Jackson that Kyrana drove him to his death by telling him that she'd live with him if he got her off the planet. (Stargate: "Daniel Jackson 2")