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Bythal is a female human and the host of the Tok'ra Maste. She is also a member of Phoenix-1.


Background information[]

Bythal was the daughter of the High Priestess of her Clan and was groomed to become the next priestess.[1] She was an accomplished diplomat on her world, who dedicated her life to helping others. (RPG: "Core Rulebook")

When illness befell the clan, she was the first to aid the sick, turning to off-world allies. Having been visited by an SG team before, she reached out to the SGC for aid, but by the time aid arrived, Bythal had succumbed to the illness. Her people begged the SGC to save her and with limited options, the SGC contacted the Tok'ra. The symbiote Maste knew that their host was dying. To save her life, Maste's aging host gave his life so that Bythal and Maste might unite.[1]

With the establishment of the SG Phoenix, General P.K. Loyer called on the newly merged Bythal and Maste to go through the Stargate and make peaceful contact with the galaxy.[1]



Other equipment[]


Appearances for Bythal


Links and navigation[]

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Current members A'tirBervellBythalKuleraLanniMasteOringoSelena Rodriguez
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Tok'ra AcastusAdrastosAldwinAniseAntocCordeshDelekEgeriaGarshaw of BeloteJa'nokJalenJalrowJaydinJolinar of MalkshurKananKelmaaKhonsuKorraKurserLantashMalekMapepMarteenMingalaMarnonOckerOneshPer'susPoloniusRen'alSelmakSholredSinaTa'SeemThellasThoranTok'ra ElderToliiZanufZarinZelida
Tok'ra hosts Jacob CarterSamantha CarterCharlieEilaanKevin ElliotFirnanFreyaKadonLiandraMartoufNyklosJack O'NeillBenjamin J. ReillyPriaRoshaSalemSarooshShevakSuloMacAlester St. JohnTroy StantonThinaTulennWey'larYosuf
Tok'ra outposts MeliaParvaP34-353JGhanazVorashRevannaTok'ra homeworld
Tok'ra technology Bio-sensorDisplay deviceGoa'uld BaneHologram projectorHoming beaconHUD headsetKull disruptorMemory recall deviceRadioactive Tok'ra isotopeReol chemicalRing remoteShock grenadeShort range communicatorStrength gaugeSymbiote extractorSymbiote poisonTacluchnatagamuntoronTok'ra control consoleTok'ra data crystalTok'ra force fieldTok'ra moon destabilizerTok'ra star mapping technologyTok'ra stasis podTok'ra subspace receiverTok'ra tabletTok'ra tunnelTransphase Eradication RodZa'tarc detectorZa'tarc ringZat'nik'tel