
Buddhism is a large religion exerted on Earth. The religion has followers around the Asia and other parts of the Earth. In 2005 that had Atlantis expedition apparently have brought some kind of information about Buddhism with them to Atlantis, and Chaya Sar had to study. (SGA: "Sanctuary") The Ancients probably began the foundation of Buddhism when they returned to Earth. (SG1: "Maternal Instinct")

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Religions BuddhismChristianityHinduismIslamJudaismKwanzaaOriginVoodoo
Religious organizations Circle of HeavensIllac ReninSodanSoren's faction
Religious Texts BibleBook of OriginBook of the DeadBook of NefertumQuranTalmudTorah
Terms AfterlifeBelogogChristmasChurchDalai LamaDark AgesDevilEasterGodHellItzamnaMiraclePrayerPriestProstrationRabbiRing of Shen MarakTulrakTulrakian