
Bubastis, designated P3X-619 by the Tau'ri, was a planet in the Milky Way galaxy that was ruled over by the Goa'uld System Lord Bastet and was the launching point for many of her attacks. The former System Lord Sobek's head was said to have been placed on a spike outside of one of Bastet's temples, though this was in fact simply the head of one of his former hosts. (RPG: "Living Gods: Stargate System Lords")


Bubastis is a world covered by grasslands and forests along with a sprawling primitive metropolis. Bubastis possesses no wildlife of its own, so its inhabitants don't have to fight with their environment to survive. The planet has no Naquadah resources whatsoever. This is one of the reasons Bastet chose Bubastis as her seat of power, as the lack of valuable resources or strategic importance would make the world invisible to the other System Lords. The city of Bubastis (which is named after the planet itself) is the single, largest urban environment on the planet. Due to the favorable conditions that exist on Bastet's domains, the people on Bubastis are allowed to have families and build communities with very little fear for their survival or an attack from their god. However, the city does suffer a lot from crime, overcrowding, poverty and diseases. Fortunately, Bastet's generosity helps to keep this problems in check. Though the city is far from utopian, Bubastis is one of the few examples of a community that prospers under Goa'uld control.

While the technology level on Bubastis is still primitive, the city stretches for hundreds of square miles on all directions. Bubastis truly fits the definition of an urban sprawl, with the center of the city denoted by Bastet's palace. Whenever overcrowding starts to be a problem, entire families or even communities simply relocate to the edges of the city, expanding the urban landscape outward into the wilderness. The architecture of Bubastis is reminiscent to other Jaffa cities combined with the designs of Ancient Egypt. (RPG: "Living Gods: Stargate System Lords")


  • Bubastis
    • Bastet's palace