
The Book of Nefertum was a religious text created by the Goa'uld Nefertum and given to the Bedrosians. It claimed, falsely, that all life had been created on Bedrosia; a belief that was carried on even after Nefertum left the planet by many people, though some people instead believed the truth; that their people had been brought to the planet through a "mystical ring". (SG1: "New Ground")

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Individuals Bedrosian GuardBedrosian MedicBedrosian Soldier 1Bedrosian Soldier 2Bedrosian Soldier 3Bedrosian Soldier 4Bedrosian Soldier 5Bedrosian Soldier 6Bedrosian Soldier 7MallinNyanParcyRigar
Planets P2X-416
Terms Bedrosian-Optrican warBedrosian Central RegistryBook of Nefertum
Technology Bedrosian cannonBedrosian force fieldBedrosian rifleBedrosian syringeBedrosian transport shuttleOptical regeneratorPrisoner cages
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Religions BuddhismChristianityHinduismIslamJudaismKwanzaaOriginVoodoo
Religious organizations Circle of HeavensIllac ReninSodanSoren's faction
Religious Texts BibleBook of OriginBook of the DeadBook of NefertumQuranTalmudTorah
Terms AfterlifeBelogogChristmasChurchDalai LamaDark AgesDevilEasterGodHellItzamnaMiraclePrayerPriestProstrationRabbiRing of Shen MarakTulrakTulrakian