A body bag.
- "Hey, you know there's only two ways off of this ship, don't you? Handcuffs or a body bag."
- ―Jonas Quinn[src]
A Body bag is a type of bag that is used by the Tau'ri to contain and transport deceased bodies and cadavers. (SG1: "Prometheus")

When the Atlantis expedition had the Ancient nanovirus outbreak in 2005, autopsies were performed on the Dr.s Wagner, Johnson, and Dumais and their corpses were put in body bags. (SGA: "Hot Zone")

An unzipped body bag.
When AR-1 came to backup Major Evan Lorne's team on M1K-177 in 2006, they found burned corpses. The deceased were brought to Atlantis in body bags and examined. Dr. Carson Beckett took blood tests and revealed they weren't Lorne and his team and later revealed the corpses had probably died from radiation poisoning. (SGA: "Coup D'etat")