
Blight is a disease that affects plants and kills them and makes the soil unusable. The Pack had problems with Blight aboard the Wanderer, but Tau'ri promised to help them to stop the Blight. After the Wanderer was infected with an Aschen biogenic weapon and forced to be abandoned, it was realized that the Blight was released by Mirris to set it up so that the Pack and the Tau'ri would meet and she could unleash the Aschen bioweapon upon Earth. (SG1: "Relativity")

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Individuals Aschen DoctorBorrenKloremMirrisMollem
Planets Aschen PrimeVolia
Technology Anti-aging vaccineAschen bioweaponAschen droneAschen warshipBiogenic weaponBlightDefense droneHarvesterAschen hologramAschen medicineAschen monitoring satelliteRepulsor-field generatorAschen spaceshipStealth landerAschen transporter
Terms Aschen ConfederationAschen language