
"Birthright" is the tenth episode of the seventh season of Stargate SG-1.


SG-1 encounter the Hak'tyl Resistance, a group of rebel Jaffa females who renounced their "god" Moloc as a false one, after realizing he had ordered all young females to be put to death. SG-1 proposes that they no longer need to rely on symbiotes, since they are running low on them and offers them a substitute, Tretonin. However, some members of the Resistance are still adamant about retrieving a symbiote for their younger female members at all costs. Meanwhile, Teal'c gets close to the Hak'tyl leader, Ishta.


Hak'tyl Resistance

Warriors of the Hak'tyl Resistance.

On an alien planet a Jaffa named Ryk'l walks through the forest and is confronted by SG-1. He wants to help them but they are ambushed and he is killed by attacking Jaffa. Suddenly, the ambushers are killed by several female Jaffa, who ask SG-1 to come with them. They also take the Goa'uld symbiote from the dead Jaffa. SG-1 follows them through the Stargate to their planet Hak'tyl (meaning liberation in Goa'uld). While walking to the Jaffa village, SG-1 discusses the similarities between these women and the Earth legend of the Amazons. At the village they meet the leader Ishta, who knows about Teal'c and wants an alliance with Earth. Teal'c is not happy about the Hak'tyl killing other Jaffa, though Ishta shows him a girl whose life was saved by the symbiote.

Ishta later tells Major Samantha Carter that the Goa'uld lord Moloc decreed that all newborn female Jaffa should be killed. However, because Ishta was the temple high priestess, she had the means to bring the girls to Hak'tyl. The Jaffa want the help of Stargate Command for basic supplies and symbiotes, but Carter tells them about the Tretonin. Later Carter discusses this with her teammates, but Teal'c is not pleased. He goes into the forest, where he finds a glade marked with symbols of several designs. Ishta shows up and they talk about the situation of the Jaffa. When they enter a great place they start to fight with training weapons. During the fight Ishta finds out that Teal'c doesn't carry a symbiote, much to her surprise.

Ishta then informs her people about the situation and wants four volunteers to go to Earth to test the Tretonin. Although the women are initially reluctant, four volunteer. One of them is a girl named Nesa but her older sister doesn't want her to go. At Stargate Command, the Hak'tyl Jaffa are greeted by Major General George S. Hammond. On the planet Teal'c talks with Ishta about his family and the Jaffa Rebellion. In the evening, when they are in a tent, they kiss. At SGC Carter talks with a woman named Mala about her life. It later turns out that Mala doesn't respond to the drug. In the village Dr. Daniel Jackson talks with the girl Nesa but in the morning he is confronted by her older sister Neith, who tells him that two of her sisters were killed. To save Nesa she was forced to kill her own father.

Back at SGC, Mala's situation continues to worsen while the other three Jaffa respond well to the Tretonin. Although she will die without it, she refuses to take back her symbiote. Back on the planet Neith plans to challenge Ishta's leadership, despite the worries of the others, while Nesa's health worsens. Neith says Ishta's judgment has been compromised because she is consorting with Teal'c. Some of the other women back her challenge.

At the SGC, Mala finally dies and Carter informs Daniel. Meanwhile, Ishta and Neith battle, and Ishta knocks Neith to the ground. Ishta is about to use her staff weapon on Neith when Teal'c intervenes. As Ishta and Teal'c argue, Daniel arrives and tells them that Mala is dead. Neith tells Ishta this is her fault, and the two women agree to go together on a raid to find a symbiote to save Nesa.

Ishta has Daniel and Teal'c held captive and tells them they will be killed if the other four women do not return in good health. Ishta and Neith leave with a raiding party. However, Nesa asks to have Daniel and Teal'c brought to her. They are then brought to Nesa and inform her about the situation. She says she doesn't want someone else to die so she can live and agrees to try the Tretonin.

Ishta and Teal'c

Ishta must choose.

On another planet, the Hak'tyl have defeated several Jaffa, but Ishta is shocked when one of the severely wounded Jaffa declares his desire to be free. As Ishta wonders at how many others like him they have killed that day, Neith is shot by a Jaffa, who is then shot by Teal'c's zat. Teal'c and Carter arrive. Neith's symbiote has been damaged. Ishta starts to take a symbiote from the Jaffa who spoke of freedom, but Teal'c holds her back and says it is time to choose another way.

Neith is brought to the SGC and Ishta tells her her symbiote is dying. Neith asks Ishta to procure her another, but Ishta says she must now choose life without a symbiote. Neith refuses. Jackson brings in Nesa, who now also takes the Tretonin, much to Neith's shock. The girl is able to convince her sister to take the Tretonin and she finally agrees.

The female Jaffa are soon healed, and prepare to leave the SGC.

Just as they do so, Teal'c and Ishta kiss passionately.


Appearances for Birthright




Weapons, equipment and technology

Science and biology


Sentient Species



Organizations and titles


Notable quotes[]

(SG-1 is being led by a group of all women rebel Jaffa)
Jackson: Can't help but think of the ancient Greek Amazon mythos.
O'Neill: Yes, me too...
Jackson: They were, um, female warriors who would occasionally capture men of other tribes in order to mate with them. They would often, um, sometimes remove their right breast so they could more easily fire a bow and arrow.
O'Neill: I see neither bow nor arrow.
Jackson: No.
O'Neill: Wait... you don't suppose that's why they want us, do you? I mean, you know, the three of us?
Jackson: Wh, to m... to mate with? No, no I don't think so.
O'Neill: 'Cause you know me, I'm all for helping people.
Carter: (laughing) Oh, God.

(Carter is in the tent talking to Ishta while the men of SG-1 are stuck outside)
O'Neill: Well this is odd.
Jackson: She probably feels more comfortable talking to Sam.
O'Neill: Why, because we have penises?
Jackson: (Looks embarrassedly at Jack, coughs) Power Bar?
O'Neill: Yeah, thank you.

Jackson: Tretonin?
Carter: We've had success with it so far.
O'Neill: On all two test subjects.
Carter: It hasn't been easy. Jaffa won't willingly give up their symbiotes, despite the fact it could ultimately free them.
Teal'c: Jaffa believe they will be weaker without them.
Jackson: That's centuries of Goa'uld brainwashing.
O'Neill: Will these women do it?
Carter: They're thinking about it. They've suffered some horrible atrocities at the hands of the Jaffa who serve Moloc. It's easy to see why they don't have a problem killing a few of them to survive.
Teal'c: A Jaffa is taught it is more noble to die than to kill another.
Carter: Teal'c, these children have been genetically altered to depend on symbiotes, and then had all access to them taken away. Their guardians believe this is the only way for them to survive.
Teal'c: Then they will have to see there is another way.
O'Neill: Give 'em the old Teal'c charm!

Ishta: It means "courage." Each design represents an ideal that no warrior should ever forget.
Teal'c: Impressive that I did not sense your approach.
Ishta: Is not stealthiness one of the first talents taught to a Jaffa soldier?
Teal'c: With varying degrees of success.

Ishta: I am asking for four volunteers to travel with me to the Tau'ri to test its effectiveness. (no one responds)
O'Neill: Is that a pin dropping?

Hammond: Dr. Jackson? Teal'c?
O'Neill: As Teal'c would say, undomesticated equines couldn't drag him away.

Mala: You are close to Colonel O'Neill?
Carter: Yeah. I like to think we have a special relationship.
Mala: I hope to someday have a special relationship.
Carter: Oh, no, no, it's not like that.
Mala: Like what?
Carter: We aren't... you know, I mean, we don't...
Mala: I was speaking of the mutual respect you share.
Carter: I knew that.

Ishta: When will the Goa'uld thirst for conquest and bloodshed end?
Teal'c: When they are all dead.

Jackson: You OK?
Nesa: My sister says I shouldn't talk to you.
Jackson: You don't have to. I'll just sit here for a while. I'm Daniel. (Nesa looks at him) I wasn't talking to you.
Nesa: Who were you talking to, then?
Jackson: No one. So how are you?
Nesa: I feel tired.
Jackson: Who were you talking to?
Nesa: No one. What are those on your face?
Jackson: Uh, they're called "glasses." They help me see better.
Nesa: Why would you need to see better?
Jackson: 'Cause my eyes don't see as well as they should.
Nesa: How do they work?
(Jackson takes his glasses off and puts them on Nesa) 
Nesa: These make your sight worse. (she gives his glasses back)
Jackson: Yeah, well they work differently for different people.
Nesa: Perhaps you are in need of a symbiote.
Jackson: Yeah, I'll just stick with the glasses.


Main Characters

Guest Stars



  • Several of the female Jaffa wear clothing that shows their stomach, including the area where the symbiote pouch is supposed to be, yet no pouch is visible on any of the Jaffa. This is most noticeable on Neith and especially Ka'lel who's belly is fully exposed.

Other languages[]

  • French: Les Amazones (The Amazons)
  • Italian: Diritto di Nascita (Birthright)
  • Spanish: Derecho de Nacimiento (Birthright)
  • Czech: Právo na zrození (The right to be born)
  • German: Die Hak'tyl (The Hak'tyl)
  • Hungarian: A születés joga (Right of birth)
  • Japanese: 生きる権利 Ikiru Kenri (The Right to Live)

Links and navigation[]

Smallwikipedialogo This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at Birthright (Stargate SG-1). The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with SGCommand, the text of Wikipedia is available under the GNU Free Documentation License.
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Episodes and Seasons
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Season 2 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Season 3 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Season 4 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Season 5 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Season 6 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Season 7 12345678910111213141516171819202122
Season 8 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 9 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 10 1234567891011121314151617181920
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Season 2 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 3 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 4 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 5 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 1 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 2 1234567891011121314151617181920
Season 1 12345678910