O'Neill drinking beer.
- "I find it a refreshing substitute for... food."
- ―Jack O'Neill[src]
Beer was an alcoholic drink widely used on Earth. Members of SG-1 and the Atlantis expedition drink beer mainly for celebratory reasons. Teal'c, on the other hand, doesn't drink beer or any other forms of alcohol, as it could have adverse effects for his symbiote. (SG1: "Fire and Water", "Lost City, Part 2")
Colonel Jack O'Neill used beer as a "secret ingredient" for his barbeques, as he pours beer onto the grill with his steaks and other forms of meat. (SG1: "Citizen Joe", "Threads")

O'Neill holding a Fat Tire beer in one hand and burnt steak previously extinguished by beer in other. (SG1: "Threads")
He also, at one point switched brands. In 2000, he was drinking Budweiser, and later switched to Guinness in 2004 and then to Fat Tire. (SG1: "Shades of Grey", "Lost City, Part 1")
O'Neill once bought two packages of Heineken (SG1: "Full Alert") and later drank Coors Light with General Landry at his house (SG1: "Avalon, Part 1"). Colonel Mitchell drank cans of Coors Light with Daniel Jackson after the Ori Satellite destroyed the Prometheus (SG1: "Ethon"). He later drank bottles of Red Stripe with General Landry at O'Neills cabin (SG1: "Uninvited").
There also appears to be a bar (either officially or unofficially) on Atlantis. Lt. Colonel John Sheppard offered to buy Dr. Rodney McKay a beer to celebrate his engagement to Dr. Katie Brown (or to drown out his sorrows if she said no) and McKay once lost a bet to Dr. Jennifer Keller owing her a beer (SGA: "Quarantine", "Trio"). John Sheppard also drank cans of Budweiser with Rodney McKay on an Atlantis pier (SGA: "The Shrine"). In an illusion of Earth, Sheppard had Coors and Coors Light beers stacked in his fictional house (SGA: "Home").
While trapped under the rubble of a collapsed building, in order to confirm the identity of the people digging him out, Sheppard asked them what their favorite beer is; Duff Beer or Oprah Ale. When they answered Duff, he knew it was Michael Kenmore's Hybrids as both beers are fictional. (SGA: "Search and Rescue")
Alien Drinks | Charosian Pineal Wine • Mother's milk • Ruus wine • Sweet water • Tolka • Ultra-sport beverages |
Earth Drinks | Alcohol • Beer • Champagne • Coffee • Cranberry juice • Earl Grey • Evian • Fruit2O • Gin • Ginger ale • Hot chocolate • Hot toddy • Lemonade • Mai Tai • Martini • Meals ready to eat • Merlot • Milk • Milkshake • Moonshine • Orange juice • Rice wine • Soda • Tea • Vodka • Water • Whiskey • Wine • Yoo-hoo |