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The Bedrosian-Optrican war is a conflict between the Bedrosians and Optricans.


The war between them began because of a difference in religious beliefs, with the Bedrosians believing in a long-departed Goa'uld, Nefertum, as their god and creator; and the Optricans believing that they had been brought through the Stargate from another world. The battle continued for several decades and appears to still be ongoing. Both nations appear to be equally advanced. (SG1: "New Ground")


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Individuals Bedrosian GuardBedrosian MedicBedrosian Soldier 1Bedrosian Soldier 2Bedrosian Soldier 3Bedrosian Soldier 4Bedrosian Soldier 5Bedrosian Soldier 6Bedrosian Soldier 7MallinNyanParcyRigar
Planets P2X-416
Terms Bedrosian-Optrican warBedrosian Central RegistryBook of Nefertum
Technology Bedrosian cannonBedrosian force fieldBedrosian rifleBedrosian syringeBedrosian transport shuttleOptical regeneratorPrisoner cages
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Alteran divisionAsgard-Goa'uld warAsgard-Replicator warAsuran-Tau'ri-Wraith warBedrosian-Optrican warCold WarEurondan-Breeder warFirst Wraith-Asuran WarGoa'uld insurgencyGreat EnlightenmentGulf WarJaffa RebellionJamus' people-Wraith warKhlem civil warLangaran Civil WarLangaran Cold WarLantean-Wraith warMichael's crusadeOperation Allied ForceOperation Enduring FreedomOperation Proven ForceOr'naxt campaignPeople of Novus-Drone conflictRand-Caledonian warRogue NID investigationRoman-Saracen warShameful warTau'ri-Aschen warTau'ri-Drone warTau'ri-Genii conflictTau'ri-Goa'uld warTau'ri-Lucian Alliance warTau'ri-Nakai warTau'ri-Wraith warTok'ra insurgencyUrsini-Drone warVanir-Wraith warVietnam WarWorld War IWorld War IIWraith civil war