
Batman was a television series shown in the late 1960s adapted from the comic book on Earth.


Dr. Rodney McKay has said that Batman was his hero and that he also has a fondness for Julie Newmar, one of the women who played Catwoman. Lt. Colonel John Sheppard was also a fan of the series. (SGA: "Irresistible", "Irresponsible")

McKay referred to Dr. Graydon as "Grayson", and mentions how Dick Grayson (Robin) was one of Batman's wards. (SGA: "Submersion")

Sheppard and McKay also discussed various supervillains such as:

When Teyla Emmagan expressed doubt that Sheppard could climb the Atlantis control tower in 2008, Sheppard assured her that Batman did it all the time. (SGA: "Quarantine")

Later that year, McKay compared Janus' secret lab to the Batcave. (SGA: "First Contact")

When under attack from Berzerker drones in 2010, Colonel Everett Young told Eli Wallace to send a signal that they are not a threat in Ancient, English or the Bat-Signal if he had to. (SGU: "Resurgence")

Later that night, Dr. Andrew Covel told Eli that people at Stargate Command call him the boy wonder, to which Eli responded by saying "Does that make Rush my Batman?" (SGU: "Alliances")

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