- "OK. Barrage balloons. Which actually make a lot of sense, I'm surprised nobody else has thought of it."
- ―Dr. Rodney McKay[src]
Barrage balloons are Levannan air defensive technology.
The technology features a series of balloons that lift up cables and are tethered to towers and rooftops to interfere with Wraith darts.
The balloons themselves are made of impermeable silk, a heavy cloth similar to rubber. The seams, connections, and valves are triple stitched and coated inside and out with the same material. They are then filled with a special acid, (stronger than scrap iron, and sulfuric acid and in a shorter amount of time), that produces hydrogen gas.
The barrage balloons can lift about 9 kilograms of rope, chain, or wire. (SGA: "Legacy: Homecoming")
In 2009, Dr. Rodney McKay was able to help solve a problem with the device's exothermic reaction when filling the balloons. The barrage balloons were then used against Queen Death's forces in the Battle of Levanna. (SGA: "Legacy: Homecoming")
Individuals | Chacier • Freyne • Illona Henner • Voisen Henner • Kolbyr • Laecat • Olen • Olin • Safren Valless |
Planets | Levanna |
Technology | Barrage balloon • Levannan musket • Wraith-killer |
Terms | Battle of Levanna • Royal Republican Army • Satedan Guard • Science Institute |