An autopsy being performed on Hays.
- "Let me know what the autopsy shows up."
"All right."
"Oh, and tell your pathologists to start with their heads." - ―Dr.s Rodney McKay and Carson Beckett[src]
An Autopsy is a surgical procedure that is performed on a corpse to discover the cause of death. They are usually performed by a Pathologist. (SGA: "Hot Zone")
In 2002, an autopsy was performed on the Tok'ra Ocker after he was murdered at the Alpha Site. It revealed the host and symbiote were killed quickly from behind by an exotic blade that severed their spinal columns. (SG1: "Allegiance")
When the Atlantis expedition had the Ancient nanovirus outbreak in 2005, autopsies were performed on the Dr.s Wagner, Johnson, and Dumais. Dr. Biro informed Carson Beckett over the radio of the preliminary autopsy results which was that the victims died of a ruptured saccular brain aneurysm in exactly the same place above the visual cortex. An autopsy was also performed on Hays. (SGA: "Hot Zone")