
Aturens seek to live in symbiosis with their environment and their technology reflects this.[1] They prefer not to clear the land of animals and trees when they build and instead choose to make their structures naturally in harmony with the land around them.[2] Most of what their technology is built from is grown in massive groves on the planet Atura and their homes are created within hillsides and high in trees.[1] Advances in bioengineering have created Massive trees capable of supporting several hundred tons of weight on their branches. They have shunned most forms of technology that is either too toxic for the environment or too dangerous to use safely.[2] (RPG: "Core Rulebook")

Their technology has an organic feel to it.[1] Their armor appears chrysalis-like[3] and their weaponry has smooth curved edges.[1] (RPG: "Core Rulebook", "United")


The Nox originally took on the appearance of helpful spirits to the Aturen and taught them their values of peace and understanding and helped them to live symbiotically with the environment rather than taking what they needed from it. Over time, the Aturen began to build cities in trees, and when they started harnessing electricity to power their own devices, the Nox knew it was time to reveal themselves. The two species continued to coexist peacefully and under the Nox's tutelage, the Aturen developed technology at an accelerated pace.[4] (RPG: "Core Rulebook")

Known technology[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 (RPG: "Core Rulebook") p. 25
  2. 2.0 2.1 (RPG: "Core Rulebook") p. 209
  3. (RPG: "United") p. 9
  4. (RPG: "Core Rulebook") p. 206

Site Navigation[]

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Individuals HatanaHonored FatherKaileeKuleraPrime Minister of AturaSonequaCaedus StarhawkElara Tydel
Planets AturaAturen systemPhoenix planetPXY-787
Technology Aturen aircraftAturen armorAturen computerAturen naval vesselAturen plasma weaponAturen power cellAturen shipAturen scannerElio'so pasteFusion warheadMassive treeTranslatorUd'Wat incense
Terms Age of AwakeningAturen ParliamentCreedElio treeGreat HousesGreat ShameHouse of the DawnHouse of Ground and SeaHouse of LifeHouse of the StarsHouse of Steel and StoneHouse SeliniaeLeaf cuisineNoxian PacifistShameful warTulrakTulrakianUd'Wat tree