
Aturen ships are space-worthy ships created by the Aturen. They have a small fleet which they used to explore their solar system.[1]


Due to their reclusiveness, the Aturen never needed to develop advanced starships of their own. The few ships they developed were only capable of traveling within their own star system.[2] Their vessels were far behind the System Lords and only outclassed the Tau'ri in a few areas.[1] (RPG: "Core Rulebook")


Centuries ago, the Estrellus were the first were the first Aturen to leave their homeworld in rockets and they established secret bases and mining operations throughout their solar system.[3]

Remnants of their older solar craft were discovered on the opposite side of the Milky Way galaxy on a geologically unstable planet. The Aturen don't have records of such a ship and weren't sure how it had got there without access to Hyperdrive technology. The ship's fragments are in the ASH Archive.[4] (RPG: "Core Rulebook")


  1. 1.0 1.1 (RPG: "Core Rulebook") pg. 209
  2. (RPG: "Core Rulebook") pg. 25
  3. (RPG: "Core Rulebook") pg. 208
  4. (RPG: "Core Rulebook") pg. 203

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Individuals HatanaHonored FatherKaileeKuleraPrime Minister of AturaSonequaCaedus StarhawkElara Tydel
Planets AturaAturen systemPhoenix planetPXY-787
Technology Aturen aircraftAturen armorAturen computerAturen naval vesselAturen plasma weaponAturen power cellAturen shipAturen scannerElio'so pasteFusion warheadMassive treeTranslatorUd'Wat incense
Terms Age of AwakeningAturen ParliamentCreedElio treeGreat HousesGreat ShameHouse of the DawnHouse of Ground and SeaHouse of LifeHouse of the StarsHouse of Steel and StoneHouse SeliniaeLeaf cuisineNoxian PacifistShameful warTulrakTulrakianUd'Wat tree