- "All right, we'll be cutting to the chase on this one. You want us to help you find this snake-head, who, if he's here at all, would be hiding in one of…six billion people on Earth?"
- ―Jonathan J. O'Neill, to Jacob Carter[src]
The Assassination of Setesh was an event that took place in 1999 during the Tau'ri-Goa'uld War.
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A Tok'ra hologram of the System Lords.
After Earth rebelled against the Goa'uld and buried the Stargate, the Goa'uld Setesh was left trapped on Earth with no way off of the planet. Over the next several thousand years, Seth survived by using a sarcophagus or changing his hosts every four hundred years or so and started a cult in his name throughout various parts of history, controlling the members with the drug Nish'ta and forcing them all to commit suicide or murdering them when the authorities got too close, hiding also from the System Lords and the Tok'ra, both of whom wanted him dead. In 1999, the Tok'ra mapped out where all of the known Goa'ulds were and realized since they had no record of Seth after the burial of the Earth Stargate, that he was likely hiding out on Earth. Selmak, wanting to push his host Jacob Carter to fix his relationship with his son Mark Carter, volunteers for the mission and the two enlist the help of SG-1. Dr. Daniel Jackson searches Earth history for false religions in the name of Seth, figuring that he would create one to have power and followers and found his cults throughout history. After running a search on the United States Government classified net to see if the CIA had anything on Seth, he located Seth's current cult just north of Seattle, Washington on the ATF page as the ATF were investigating him because of his massive compound and all of his weapons. His current cult had about fifty members and deprogrammed members described him having Goa'uld abilities including the signature glowing eyes.

SG-1 joins the Cult of Setesh.
SG-1 and Jacob investigate the compound, getting close thanks to the help of Jason Levinson whose son Tommy Levinson is a member of the cult. There they find out that among other powerful weapons, the followers carry Zat'nik'tels, confirming their suspicions of there being a Goa'uld there. However, the group is captured by ATF agents led by Special Agent James Hamner. Hamner reveals that he plans to try to force Seth to surrender and is annoyed when the team refuses to cooperate and tell him anything, although he does allow them to call Major General George S. Hammond. Hammond gets the President of the United States involved and the President personally calls Hamner and puts Colonel Jack O'Neill in charge of the operation. Going by Seth and other Goa'ulds mode of operation, the group realizes that there must be an emergency escape tunnel and with the help of the ATF forces, locate the entrance. Having figured out that Seth must be using Nish'ta to control his followers and knowing that an electric shock will break the Nish'ta's hold, Captain Samantha Carter sets herself, Jackson and O'Neill up with earpieces that can deliver and electric shock while leaving Jacob and Teal'c behind as Seth will be able to sense their symbiotes.

Setesh is killed.
The three enter the tunnels and are brought into the compound by Transportation rings where Seth gives them Nish'ta. After they wake up, he detects that Carter used to be blended to a Tok'ra and starts questioning them, forcing Jacob and Teal'c to shock them before they're sure it's been enough time. Hamner, believing them to be compromised, surrounds the compound with his men while Seth orders SG-1 to be killed. The three manage to overpower the disciple ordered to kill them and shoot him with his own Zat, freeing him from the Nish'ta. He reveals that he is Tommy Levinson and helps the three find more Zats which SG-1 is able to use to free Seth's followers who are preparing to blow themselves and the compound up. Tommy is able to transport Carter and the disciples down to the escape tunnels where they make their way out to be met by Hamner and his men, but Seth and his remaining followers corner Jackson and O'Neill. The two Zat the followers, but Seth's Kara kesh protects him with an energy shield and he knocks the two out before setting a bomb near them and escaping wearing one of his follower's cloaks. The two recover in time to escape while Jacob, armed with a Kara kesh of his own, enters the tunnels to confront Seth. Selmak finds Seth, but is injured by him before he can kill him. Selmak, who is able to heal his injuries but needs time, gives Carter his hand device, telling her she needs to use it to stop Seth. Carter confronts Seth, and despite having never used it before, manages to blast Seth down before he can blast her. Carter then blasts Seth with it again, crushing his midsection into the ground hard enough to create a small crater and killing Seth once and for all.[3]
Following the mission to Seattle, Carter and Jacob traveled to San Diego where they visited Mark Carter and the Carter family reunited.[3] Shortly thereafter, Carter was promoted to Major due to her outstanding work as a member of SG-1.[2]