
Ashlee Kelly, also spelled Kelley, is the Tau'ri Ambassador of the Council of Haven, and serves as the leader of Haven.


Background information[]

Ashlee came from an army family[3] and grew up in army towns, that had nicknames such as "Blue Star" and "Dog Pile".[4] She served a tour before University.[3] (RPG: "Core Rulebook")


Ashlee Kelly became the Tau'ri Ambassador of the Council of Haven which consisted of the four Phoenix Alliance races.[5] She also served as the leader of town Haven.[6] Ashlee's parents sent her a care package. She wrote them back and told her parents a little about Haven and mentioned that they shouldn't come as the town was very far from Boston.[7]

She suspended most USAF regulations in Haven due to different people having different customs.[8] Although, she objected to fight clubs, though Major Jared Bell convinced her to check them out first, which she agreed but only if General Loyer went as well.[3] She also requested that Major Bell track and dismantle the illegal trade and apprehend the perpetrators.[8]

She tried to befriend a Goat-dog.[9] (RPG: "Core Rulebook")

When Phoenix-1 located Taweret's facility, they had a meeting with the Alliance council and Major Abraham Ross, the Council would vote in a week to decide the fate of the base. Ashlee asked Phoenix-1 to convince the Council's connections in Fondue so that they would keep the Goa'uld queen's facility intact. [10] (RPG: "Watershed")


In 2003, she made arrangements for Haven's civilians to evacuate town after Wepwawet's armada entered the sector. (RPG: "United")



  • Ashlee Kelley's father: To be added
  • Ashlee Kelley's mother: To be added

