
"...the means to cross entire continents in a single step..."

An Aschen transporter is a platform and pedestal which allows instantaneous transport to different locations on a planet significant distances apart. At least four people can be teleported at a time. A user interfaces with the pedestal, entering the desired pad in a manner similar to the Atlantis transporters. Immediately after, bright light envelopes the travelers on the pedestal and projects them to the platform at the intended location. They are similar to Transportation rings in that they require platforms to operate, unlike the far superior beaming technology of the Asgard and Ancients. (SG1: "2001", "2010")

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Ancient beam transporterAschen transporterAsgard Obelisk TransporterAsgard transport ringsAsgard transporterAtlantis transporterCADs mk 4Crystal skullEye of the GodsGadmeer transporterHalkyon beltMorgan's planetary circuitThor's HammerTogar's transporterTransport portalTransportation beamTransportation consoleTransportation ringsTransporter wrist deviceUnidentified spaceship transporterWraith beaming device
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Individuals Aschen DoctorBorrenKloremMirrisMollem
Planets Aschen PrimeVolia
Technology Anti-aging vaccineAschen bioweaponAschen droneAschen warshipBiogenic weaponBlightDefense droneHarvesterAschen hologramAschen medicineAschen monitoring satelliteRepulsor-field generatorAschen spaceshipStealth landerAschen transporter
Terms Aschen ConfederationAschen language