
The Aschen holographic projector was a form of Aschen technology which allowed the projection of three-dimensional objects into the air. This technology is incorporated into the conference rooms of their Harvesters and science laboratories seen in an alternate timeline on Earth. Examples of items seen on the projectors in the alternate timeline were a complete model of Jupiter and a model of part of the sun used alongside Aschen monitoring satellites to scan for changes which would lead to solar flares. (SG1: "2010", "2001")

Site Navigation[]

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Individuals Aschen DoctorBorrenKloremMirrisMollem
Planets Aschen PrimeVolia
Technology Anti-aging vaccineAschen bioweaponAschen droneAschen warshipBiogenic weaponBlightDefense droneHarvesterAschen hologramAschen medicineAschen monitoring satelliteRepulsor-field generatorAschen spaceshipStealth landerAschen transporter
Terms Aschen ConfederationAschen language
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Ancient hologramAschen hologramAsgard hologramGadmeer hologramGoa'uld hologramNakai hologramChimera (technology)Tollan hologramWraith hologram