"O'Neill is strong... Daniel is wise... May i not choose both?"
"You may, they may both argue, however they will have but 1 vote.
―Skaara and Narim[src]

An Archon is a person (or persons) chosen to represent and defend the Seeker in a Triad, similar to a defense attorney on Earth.

Colonel Jack O'Neill and Dr. Daniel Jackson were chosen by Skaara, while Lord Zipacna was chosen by Klorel. (SG1: "Pretense")

Behind the scenes[]

The term comes from Ancient Greek and means 'ruler' or 'lord', and therefore usually an arbiter of justice.

Site Navigation[]

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Individuals BervellCouran MeeraNarimOmocPalilaTollan CouncilorTollan Guard 1Tollan Guard 2Tollan Guard 3Travell
Planets Tollan (planet)Tollana
Technology Detachment deviceEmotion recorderFission generatorHealth monitorInverted phase communicatorIon cannonLong-range communications satellitePersonal data unitPhase devicePhase-shifting weaponPortable entertainment consolePrecision laserTollan computerTollan force fieldTollan hologramTollan sidearmTollan sleeping platformTollan StargateTollan deviceTollan spaceshipTollan weapons scanner
Terms ArchonCuriaRememberanceSeekerSher-MalTollan Expeditionary ForcesTollan governmentTollan languageTriad