- "A-bomb? Like Hiroshima?"
"Not really. We nicknamed it the "Apophis Bomb" or A-bomb." - ―Dr. Daniel Jackson and Captain Samantha Carter[src]
Apophis bomb also known as A-bomb was developed by Tau'ri.
The bomb uses the same technique as Klorel's bomb that was attached to the Stargate. It's a converted Hellfire anti-tank missile with a Naquadah enriched delivery unit. The resulting payload should be above 50 megatons and can blow a hole in the side of a mountain while leaving the surrounding areas unscathed by fallout. It can also cause enough damage to a Cheops class warship to disable it. (SG1: "P.O.W. 3")
The Apophis bomb was used against Klorel's warship, while SG-1 and other Stargate Command soldiers were on a mission to rescue Colonel Jack O'Neill. (SG1: "P.O.W. 3")