Amun was a Goa'uld and the husband of Amounet. He was an underlord of Ra and was in Egypt at some point during the 12th dynasty. (SG1: "The DVD Collection 49")
Amun's Ha'tak arrived on the planet of the Goa'uld Sekhmet, when the latter decided to tighten his alliance with him, with the aim of recovering one of her "Arrows of Sekhmet". Knowing opening the Gate of Duat would cause chaos and the fact he couldn't trust her, Amun wouldn't give her the arrow and asked his First Prime Khufu to remove her, however she attacked them both with her Kara kesh and then stabbed him with the arrow. Major Sam Carter helped Amun escape the Ha'tak.
Sam and Amun then both aided each other through the tunnels of P3X-314 to escape the Shades of Sekhmet and Khufu. After helping drag Carter out of the tunnels, they were met with the rest of SG-1. Amun asked for asylum to Earth in exchange for his aid and Jack O'Neill asked him some questions.
SG-1 and Amun followed Sekhmet through the Stargate and were taken prisoner. Amun confronted Sekhmet to reclaim his Jaffa and was stabbed from behind by Khufu. (SG1: "Unleashed Ep 2")
- Apophis' host was a scribe in the temple of Amun, pre-blending. (SG1: "Serpent's Song")