
The alien ticks are a race of insects encountered by the Destiny expedition during an off-world mission in an unnamed galaxy. They attach themselves to the back of the victim's neck and release a toxin which heightens negative emotions, manifesting them as hallucinations of the victim's worst fears. Any attempt to remove them causes them to burrow deeper while releasing a large amount of toxin, potentially killing their host. In this event, they move to someone else nearby after a short period. They can be sedated by Squiggler venom, which keeps them from reacting to attempts to remove them. (SGU: "Pain")


Various people experienced different hallucinations while affected by the bug's poison.

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Alien Bugs Alien tickDust bugFire locustGiant DragonflyGiant spiderInfestation flyInsect killerInterdimensional creatureIratus bugLight bugMutated locustR-75Sleep parasiteSmall energy beingTeardrop fly
Earth Bugs BeeLocustMealwormMosquitoScorpionSpiderTick