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2004 Tidslinje 2006

2005 Händelser[]

  • Oma Desala griper Anubis i evig kamp, ​​satte effektivt hotet av Anubis evigt. (SG1: "Threads")
  • Rebell Jaffa inrättades den nya centrum regeringen för den nya Free Jaffa Nation på Dakara och började återställa de gamla strukturerna kvar av De gamla. (SG1: "Threads", "Avalon, Part 1")

Sända Media[]


Number Titel Produktionsbolag Airdate
Stargate SG-1
8.13 It's Good to Be King MGM Television Entertainment Januari 4
8.14 Full Alert MGM Television Entertainment Januari 11
8.15 Citizen Joe MGM Television Entertainment Januari 18
8.16 Reckoning (Part 1 of 2) MGM Television Entertainment Januari 25
8.17 Reckoning (Part 2 of 2) MGM Television Entertainment Februari 1
8.18 Threads MGM Television Entertainment Februari 8
8.19 Moebius (Part 1 of 2) MGM Television Entertainment Februari 15
8.20 Moebius (Part 2 of 2) MGM Television Entertainment Februari 22
9.01 Avalon (Part 1 of 3) MGM Television Entertainment Juli 15
9.02 Avalon (Part 2 of 3) MGM Television Entertainment Juli 22
9.03 Origin (Part 3 of 3) MGM Television Entertainment Juli 29
9.04 The Ties That Bind MGM Television Entertainment Augusti 5
9.05 The Powers That Be MGM Television Entertainment Augusti 12
9.06 Beachhead MGM Television Entertainment Augusti 19
9.07 Ex Deus Machina MGM Television Entertainment Augusti 26
9.08 Babylon MGM Television Entertainment September 9
9.09 Prototype MGM Television Entertainment September 16
9.10 The Fourth Horseman (Part 1 of 2) MGM Television Entertainment September 1
Stargate Atlantis
1.11 The Eye (Part 2 of 2) MGM Television Entertainment Januari 21
1.12 The Defiant One MGM Television Entertainment Januari 28
1.13 Hot Zone MGM Television Entertainment Februari 4
1.14 Sanctuary MGM Television Entertainment Februari 11
1.15 Before I Sleep MGM Television Entertainment Februari 18
1.16 The Brotherhood MGM Television Entertainment Februari 25
1.17 Letters from Pegasus MGM Television Entertainment Mars 4
1.18 The Gift MGM Television Entertainment Mars 11
1.19 The Siege (Part 1 of 3) MGM Television Entertainment Mars 18
1.20 The Siege (Part 2 of 3) MGM Television Entertainment Mars 25
2.01 The Siege (Part 3 of 3) MGM Television Entertainment Juli 15
2.02 The Intruder MGM Television Entertainment Juli 22
2.03 Runner MGM Television Entertainment Juli 29
2.04 Duet MGM Television Entertainment Augusti 5
2.05 Condemned MGM Television Entertainment Augusti 12
2.06 Trinity MGM Television Entertainment Augusti 19
2.07 Instinct (Part 1 of 2) MGM Television Entertainment Augusti 26
2.08 Conversion (Part 2 of 2) MGM Television Entertainment September 9
2.09 Aurora MGM Television Entertainment September 23
2.10 The Lost Boys (Part 1 of 2) MGM Television Entertainment September 23
2.11 The Hive (Part 2 of 2) MGM Television Entertainment November 22
2.12 Epiphany MGM Television Entertainment November 29
2.13 Critical Mass MGM Television Entertainment December 6
2.14 Grace Under Pressure MGM Television Entertainment December 13
2.15 The Tower MGM Television Entertainment December 20

Printed Media[]


En lista över publicerade romaner under 2005.

Issue Titel Utgivare Språk Utsläppningsdatum
Stargate SG-1
SG1-4 Stargate SG-1: City of the Gods Fandemonium Engelska April
SG1-5 Stargate SG-1: The Cost of Honor Fandemonium Engelska September
SG1-6 Stargate SG-1: Siren Song Fandemonium Engelska December
Stargate Atlantis
SGA-1 Stargate Atlantis: Rising Fandemonium Engelska December


En lista över publicerade noveller 2005.

Issue Titel Utgivare Språk Utsläppningsdatum
Stargate Atlantis
SGA-SS4 Stargate Atlantis: Flipside Titan Magazines Engelska November


En lista över publicerade serier under 2005.

Issue Titel Utgivare Språk Utsläppningsdatum
Stargate SG-1
1 Stargate SG-1: Daniel's Song Avatar Press Engelska Februari
1 Stargate SG-1: Ra Reborn Prequel Avatar Press Engelska Juni
Stargate Atlantis
1 Stargate Atlantis: Wraithfall Preview Avatar Press Engelska April