Maybe that was part of his reason, but I don't think that's all of it, he clearly loved being on earth when it came to being a celebrity, I remember the episodes quite clearly.
But there were other species within the Galaxy who fought the Goa'uld with just as much resistance who ended up being pretty damn close to what Earth was.
I can't remember the one dude the SG-1 met who was invulnerable to the zat gun and his species was also in invulnerable to implantation of symbiotes.
The Man became a mercenary within the Galaxy, but his people were fighters if I remember correctly.
Damn I wonder what it would be like to discover these people again, I hope that bounty Hunter is still out there and I hope his people are free and safe from the Goa'uld.
His people would make perfect allies with earth, and maybe we could figure out what makes their body so immune to implantation of symbiotes, perhaps it can be synthesized for other races within the Galaxy so that the Goa'uld can never take over a human's body was in the milky way ever again.
The tollen were especially resilient against the Goa'uld, perhaps he was a low level Goa'uld when they were taken out, although he probably wouldn't have liked them as much because they could tell who he was from within.
Because on Earth they didn't know the difference, unless they worked for the SGC and they have seen what ball looks like.