Sure, i definitely love Stargate, buuuut their perception of ancient mythologies is abit warped... it's ok though, i just find it funny how most stories misinterpret mythologies, especially the fact that Anubis is evil in SG...
Sure, i definitely love Stargate, buuuut their perception of ancient mythologies is abit warped... it's ok though, i just find it funny how most stories misinterpret mythologies, especially the fact that Anubis is evil in SG...
Exepted they are the roman gods as said by danil jackson
They aren't though, and his name is Daniel.
Ok and sorry about the miss spelling im dislectic
Oh ok.
Wasn't Anubis evil in real Egyptian history though?
A bit off topic but related, assassins creed origins. that game really helps you understand the Egyptian mythologies, but even that was fixed to fit the lore of the story in some way.
And if i remember correctly, Anubis was lord of the duat which was basically hell so by all accounts, Anubis was evil wouldn't you think?
I love science fiction though, i love the interpretations and directions they end up going in movies and video games.
In stargate they just expand the Egyptian gods as figures of immense power and cruelty, we still don't know or understand much about Egyptian history when it comes to the pyramids in how and why they were built, we have plenty of speculation for many years.
I just watched a new video on the subject in what the pyramids could be, and they threw an very interesting concept, one i never thought i would ever hear, but they started looking at the structure of the pyramids and found some similarities to it's construction to how a battery works.
As if it were used as some kind of powerhouse, there is so much more interesting things when you look at them from this perspective, and also many other factors relating to the location of the pyramids, like the flood maps of the area dating far enough back in time that suggests that the entire Sahara desert and into Egypt was once very lush landmass and full of streams of water and flora, it was essentially a paradise and had lots of elephants animals of all kinds.
And there's also mention of the possibility of the mythical Atlantis was within a certain part of the Sahara along with very convincing evidence of this, there is a naturally formed structure within the Sahara that resembles how it was described by an historian named Herodotus who talked about it's location with much detail along with using google maps and what the landmass looks like from that view when it comes to the story of Atlantis and how it came to be in the sea.
Very interesting stuff, and i suggest every one of you guys to look this up, it really opens up the possibilities of all of our myths and history stories that have been told for ages.
What you say about the pyramids and Atlantis is a very intresting topic, and i will most likely look it up soonish.
And yes, Anubis was the ruler of the duat. However, the duat was seen as not only hell, but heaven also. You see, in the duat, the ones deemed bad were punished, so to them it was hell. However, to those who were good when they lived on Earth duat was like eternal paradise, and it was said that they would all return to Earth when the golden age when Osiris rules once more upon Earth comes again.
So in a way, Anubis was both good and evil.
@JewelLapoole he is said to be half ascended right, so my theory is that he had a soul, and it was split in two, half good, half bad, and then when he ascended the good part ascended fully, taking half of the bad part with it, or maybe both parts fully ascended but split leaving both parts half ascended.
That's very interesting and confusing at the same time. And I thought the field of reeds was Heaven, or perhaps that was just a common expression that was used and it wasn't actually a place at all.
Going off of Assassin's Creed video game logic here, LOL, but yeah I enjoyed learning about the Egyptian culture the game also had a side feature that allowed you to learn about the Egyptian World outside of the games fiction which was really nice.
Because you got to visit ancient Egypt and walk around and learn about things from a very easily understandable format.
But yeah that concept about Atlantis being within that structure in the Sahara is very compelling.
Especially when listening to The Scholar and how he explained this theory about Atlantis possiblely was structured in that location.
Now that's a good theory about Anubis because he did take host of a human and when he tried to ascend the human half probably was ascended fully where his snake side didn't quite ascend.
But you would think that the ascended Alteran would be able to figure out how to send him back in snake form and Destroy his memories and possibly prevent him from ever learning who he wants what.
In the show they say you can't kill an ascended being prior to the Merlin device.
So the only way to stop them from doing anything was to fight for all eternity, but this simply wasn't the truth, they descended Daniel a few times and they wiped his knowledge for the most part.
So what I'm saying is, they pretty much could have done the same exact thing to Adria and Anubis but actually wiped their memories fully giving them a clean slate of an innocent life to live. Or just completely destroyed Anubis in his snake form.
What do you think?