My personal opinion is that the goa'uld will be fine in taking a Wraith as host, now say this wraith is one that's been alive since the time of when they were at war with the Atlantians 10,000 years prior.
And lets also say the goa'uld obtains an queen Wraith.
My idea in how a goa'uld would possibly get into an Wraith is during an feeding as the symbote leaves the body, and embeds itself within an Wraith.
Then there is the blending that takes place, of course this isn't the first time that a Goa'uld has taken another creature as host. as we know the Unas were the first ones, so the Goa'uld say.
Anyway while this Goa'uld takes the wraith as host, the Goa'uld extracts all the knowledge of it's host, this includes everything from their tech to their Physiology, then what intel they have on Atlantian weapons and tech.
The Wraith are probably a superior species for any Goa'uld as they not only have a rich history with the Atlantians, but they also have a rich history of their own and the obvious boost in their physical strength and resilience over any Human body the goa'uld have ever been apart of. and are probably comparative to the Unas in strength and resilience, but because we know an Atlantis scientist created the Wraith with the use of human DNA and that eratus bug DNA, this is also probably due to how the Wraith were so advanced in their tech.
The Atlantian scientist was probably trying to create a human body that had all these traits so he could transform the rest of Atlantian DNA to be resistant to the plague at home, and i have to admit it's quite brilliant, but of course something went wrong with his experiments, perhaps he gave them too high of an intelligence and because of their physical strength they killed him and fed on him and that was that.
Anyway, going back to the Goa'uld, this would be an superior host for the Goa'uld if they ever wanted an comeback or gain a foothold ever again.
Imagine what their style of tech would represent after the blending and taking over the mass of the Wraith armies after a generation of this Goa'uld, i believe his ultimate Goal would be one in the same as the Wraith was.
To feed and enslave and to be as gods like the Goa'uld have been doing for thousands of years. and they know where to go to find more humans because of their genetic memory.
The lifespan of a Goa'uld was already pretty long, but if within an wraith body, they would boost that life span by 10,000 fold because of the Wraith's natural physiology provides it.
I think it was Dr. Beckett who was inspecting an Wraith arm that was severed, that an creature such as this so long as it was properly nourished meaning as long as they feed, they could probably never die, then boost that with how long a Goa'uld's natural physiology lasts as well as their natural resilience within the host they are within.
Anyway, what do you guys think of how this scenario could pan out?
Note i started this as an what if question, but in my head i was thinking that the folks on earth didn't know about any of it until generations later, as it was too late as the Wraith started to take over the milky way galaxy with their new found power and army.
And if it wasn't just some random Goa'uld behind the steering wheel, what Goa'uld do you personally think would be daring enough to try and attempt blending with an Wraith?