Yes it was a mistake.
Lucius Lavin, Peter Kavanagh, Henry Bauer.
Perhaps, actress wanted to leave.
The actress did have to leave to work on something else, I don’t remember what
I think she wanted her character have a shock value, and she is one of the characters that had permanent death.
I have only seen here in lifetime shows or other such drama shows.
I can no longer rewatch further than the episode right before Heroes. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry. Rewatched soooo many times over the years, but only watched Heroes and further once when it aired. I never even completed season 10, I got more and more bored, depressed and angry when I tried. As far as I got in seasons 8 to 10 was painful to watch. Janet was my favorite. Jack was second. DanJan is my ship. Who in their right minds think killing or removing our favorite characters will make us keep watching? They did an incredibly dumb/unfair move right there.
To those who thinks the actress wanted to leave: She didn't, she wanted to stay. Which makes the decision to kill her off even worse and it was already a shitty move to begin with.
Did she ever mention tocwhycshe left, because she did return for one episode.
How often has Daniel Jackson died and Carson Beckett was cloned.
She had to leave because the writers wanted her character permanently dead, particularly Cooper. I'm still upset about it all these years later, it's just really unfair and I felt betrayed as a fan and still do. One of the reasons I stop my rewatches before Heroes. -_-
What do you think?