There was an episode of SG-1 where they used an hyperspace window to bypass the shields of an gould mothership. and this idea was pretty revolutionary at the time, but then after the fact the show never used this exploited feature again. now i don't know if they abandoned this idea because of balancing issues in the show between battles of space battles, or if this idea was to hard to replicate. but whatever their reasons in why they never used this idea again.
I wondered if something like this could be used for specialized bombs that could be designed to bypass the shields and exiting within the ship or just outside the ship using some kind of machine learning program to how long to wait when within an hyperspace window needs to be open in order to exit after passing through the shields to then explode.
Or perhaps an unmanned projectile that could be programmed to not only bypass the shields but to exit and r-enter the hyperspace window to rip the exposed ship to pieces as the hyperspace window is like a vacuum of force when opening to closely to nearby objects.
Something similar happens on the alteran ship Destiny when it was being attacked by the drone ships and just as destiny jumped into FTL all these other drone ships were ripped into pieces from the vacuum of space and into the speed gap of FTL travel.
This method was also used to prevent a catastrophic event to take place on earth when Anubis sent an asteroid rock to earth rich with a powerful explosive material within the rock. and carter had the great idea to open a hyperspace window just long enough to pass through the earth as they towed the asteroid rock into the hyperspace window.
And it's my theory that this is how Anubis was able to set this asteroid within earth's direction.