The Nox decided to be pacifists, Asgards kicked the bucket, Ancients ascended (and other crud, not getting into that), but what happened to the Furlings? I think it was mentioned at some point, but I don't remember if so.
The Nox decided to be pacifists, Asgards kicked the bucket, Ancients ascended (and other crud, not getting into that), but what happened to the Furlings? I think it was mentioned at some point, but I don't remember if so.
It seems to me that in Paradise Lost, Jack and Maybourne are transported to a furling village whose inhabitants died because of a Goa’uld.
But that surely wouldn't new all of them, right?
Do some one remember the episode 200 how it begins. I know that it was Martin Loyds story. but still i think that what was in the episode some off it was true.
The Furlings looks to be the Stargate Equivalent to the Ewoks.
Dragonfly, they never really told us what furlings looked like. Yeah Jack insinuated they might be cute because of "fur" in their name but for all we know they could be eldritch 10 foot tall void creatures. We dont have much tangible evidence on their body structure but the furlings probably died out due to some other aliens (not the goa'uld) or left the galaxy because if the Furlings were advanced enough to be part of the Alliance, they could certainly fight off the Goa'uld.
They had pictures on Furlings page.
Lol the furlings are a joke. but i agree with heliothx, i mean sure in the English language furling makes them sound nice and fuzzy and cute.
But they could just as easily be another version of life form that we have yet to see like they could be hairless like the Asguard or they could look skinny and tall with 4 arms and look like an praying mantis. the paradice lost episode points to a point in time to when their race invited other races to share culture and live with them side by side.
But on that planet all bodies found were humanoid looking and one had an gould within it's skeleton, with no other signs of other remains found on that planet or that they looked for.
signs on the bodies all showed that they attacked each other and all consumed that plant that made them go crazy.
So still to this day, we don't know who or what the furlings are or what they look like and where they have all gone, we don't know if they all went extinct or if they all left this galaxy at some point.
Maybe that same contagion that killed off a lot of atlantians also killed their species as well, they were allies after all.
They could just as well live with the Nox for all we know, and what we know of the Nox is they were their allies as well, the cool thing is we inherited the Asguard tech which has an database of all their knowledge and might contain the information of the 4 races and even might contain what they look like.
So that's some good news in my opinion.
What do you think?