Are there going to be any move seasons for 'Stargate Universe '? It ended with the possibility of additional seasons. I for one would like to see more.
Are there going to be any move seasons for 'Stargate Universe '? It ended with the possibility of additional seasons. I for one would like to see more.
I agree with all of you. Maybe if enough of us let the powers-to-be know that we want it, then we might get it.
Many have campaign for countless shows and gone to extreme lengths, even to the point of askinf to crowdfund the show. Only got a no. Here was a video for Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
I'm pretty sure SGU will never be continued (if you don't count the comics - which you shouldn't count)
If they ever make stargate movies or tv-shows again I bet it'll be a reboot
I think they should make continue the show or a SGU Continuation Movie from a Business point of view.
It has been 9 years since the series ended and SGU was the least popular of the three shows (though I really like it). I believe that from a business point of view it would be best to attract a new & younger audience. And the best way to do that would be by rebooting the franchise.
And keep it connected to the past shows.
I’ve just finished the last episode once again a few minutes ago. Although the story was never properly completed, watching it now, after seeing the advances in computed generated imagery aided by artificial intelligence, it made me realize that one day in the future we could complete the story with the original actors being seamlessly generated by AI as they were 10 years ago...
I want to hope.
I'm feeling a bit more optimistic
What do you think?