I loved all the shows, but SGU holds a special place in my mind as it was a new adventure where they got to explore the older tech of the alteran and the universe within that old space punk style Destiny ship.
Now i don't believe the show to be the best of all the series, but the show wasn't perfect, it started with the premise of conflict and then drama and then branching conflict with more conflict, and this cycle kept continuing into season 2, but the petty disputes between the crew all faced a real threat when the lucian alliance took over their ship and killed off a few of the crew.
Don't get me wrong the conflict that started it all was a real conflict and it was realistic in how it was written, but for a series like this was depressing to most of the established audiences who have grown to love the show from previous show styles, i remember when brad wright pitched the idea of what he would like to one day write in an science fiction, he was leaning to a more serious type of story telling and he wanted to get passed the mundane every weekend episode where there was an conflict and at the end of the episode it was resolved like an Saturday morning cartoon. this comment of his was made long before he decided to write the script of SGU and i'm sure he based it off of this idea.
But as i said before the series was dong badly in the ratings and there was some other issue with syfy and also that MGM was on it's way in going bankrupt to the point the show had no choice but to cancel.
But if the show were to ever come back, i would love that idea, and if some of the same characters could come back and take the gig if only for a few episodes just to find a way to write them out of the show and replace them, that would be preferred over just using new characters that came out of nowhere.
I would love for this series to come back and be continued, i don't like the way it ended because in my mind it's still an continued path of the story that has so many more options that were left out of being used in the show.
that it drove me crazy that they never tried the ideas learned from past series, i fully understand that this is a new show within it's own style, but there were many other things they could have tried to make the show have an better outcome as the show went on. i think a lot less drama and branching conflicts between the crew is needed if it were to ever continue, you can still write an realistic story with less conflicts between the crew because otherwise it drives the audience away and is understandable why ppl stopped watching it.
I mean when they put that one guy in the chair that instead of pulling him out of the transfer, they instead allowed the transfer to take place, yes col. young's concern was because this device resembled the same thing that a more advanced tech of the alteran that col. O'Neill once used and it almost killed him. but this tech was older and was probably less destructive to a persons mind if done correctly. but no.... Col. young decided to cancel the while in the middle of the transfer effectively scrambling that mans mind making him a vegetable in the process. it was just like what happens when transferring files on an USB stick and pulling i out while the transfer is still going on, sometimes this corrupts files completely and sometimes the files only work partially.
I would have liked to know where the lucian alliance came to the alteran Destiny ship door unlocker device and where they got the information for how it worked.
like i know that's a story for sg1 maybe but because it ties into the show for universe, it only makes sense to show how they came to this information and where they obtained this key.