80 Votes in Poll
Wouldn't wraith vs ori turn into another round of wraith vs ancients?
No. I don't think so.
To make it fairer, yes, the wraith have super hives, but not many. The Ori themselves aren’t getting involved, just their fleet and followers.
Maybe just one super hive
I think the Ori Motherships have better shielding as Super Hives have no shielding to start with.
Why wouldn't this turn into wraith vs ancients round 2? Ori have superior technology. Once wraith get their hands on a power source they begin overwhelming the Ori with numbers. Ori win every battle but wraith keep coming and it becomes a battle of attrition.
No. The Ori Ships have the Priors.
But why would that affect the outcome? We've seen that the ships can be destroyed if they take enough damage. What qualifies as enough is absurd but this was true back during the Ancients too.
The Ancients were intelligent people, but at the basic level, they have no clue.
For the cry out loud, the Asgard did ask the Tau'ri for help with the Replicators.
Because as Thor said, they need less intelligent solutions to stop the Replicators.
Look at this scene. If the Wraith did attack the Ori. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNeS7qMMvbw
That battle doesn't really say that it would turn out different for the ori than it did for the ancients. The exact same thing happened with the wraith when they fought the ancients. They fight, the wraith get slaughtered. So the wraith send more ships to get slaughtered again. And again. And again. Multiply that a couple hundred times, the total tax on the Ancient shields means the ships have to retreat back a bit to the next territory. Rinse and repeat ad infinitum until the wraith have consumed all the territory.
Also, the replicators don't really mean much. The asgard's mistake was to think their technology could overcome the enemy, a mistake you see when you see other ppl make when they talk about replicators against other universes.
What do you think?