How would the Aschen deliver the weapon to Wraith controlled worlds? I guess they could use the gate on the Volian home world but would it be capable of dialing the Pegasus galaxy and if it could the Aschen do not have the information required to dial. And they would most likely need a zpm. Not impossible but improbable. Based on the original question i was envisioning 8 hive ships floating over the Aschen home world and unloading boat loads of darts.
Well, Replicator Carter was able waste the remaining Goa'uld System Lords with extreme prejudice.
Why couldn't the Aschen do the same with the Wraith?
I am sorry, I am confused by your response. The replicators are very different from the Aschen, what is the connection you are trying to make?
Actually, they are not, because Niam's Faction and Fran wanted to be as human as possible, they are able to feel equivalent to remorse and empathy and have a conscience.
That's why I disliked what the Atlantis Expedition and Replicator Weir did to Niam's Faction and Fran. While Fifth is fickle Replicator.
But Replicator Carter, the Aschen, Adria are nothing, but sociopathic narcissists.
When you call them out? They will try to wipe everyone out to extinction.
The Aschen wanted to wipe out the Tau'ri as soon they were exposed and take over the planet.
While they have never questioned whether they should use the gate addresses.
I would had liked, if there were a Aschen Collective who were like how Tok'ra is to the Goa'uld System Lords.
Also if the Aschen wouldn't be able to find the Wraith, they could visit a local tavern in Pegasus Galaxy by saying any condescending in general about the Wraith and leave.
But dropping a note by a "mistake" of the location for Aschen Prime.
The Wraith could have a fighting chance with ZPM Powered Hive Ships.
I think that it depends on whether the Wraith under or over estimated the Aschen, or if the Aschen were prepared.
The Wraith would underestimate the Aschen, because they would assume the Aschen are no different than the worlds they have culled before.
Would be interesting to see if the stoic Aschen suddenly started displaying some emotions as the life was being drained from them.
What do you think?